US Supreme Court Decisions On-Line | US Laws

§ 1584. —  Civil actions under the North American Free Trade Agreement or the United StatesCanada FreeTrade Agreement.

[Laws in effect as of January 24, 2002]
[Document not affected by Public Laws enacted between
  January 24, 2002 and December 19, 2002]
[CITE: 28USC1584]

                     PART IV--JURISDICTION AND VENUE
Sec. 1584. Civil actions under the North American Free Trade 
        Agreement or the United States-Canada Free-Trade Agreement
    The United States Court of International Trade shall have exclusive 
jurisdiction of any civil action which arises under section 777(f) of 
the Tariff Act of 1930 and is commenced by the United States to enforce 
administrative sanctions levied for violation of a protective order or 
an undertaking.

(Added Pub. L. 100-449, title IV, Sec. 402(d)(1), Sept. 28, 1988, 102 
Stat. 1884; amended Pub. L. 103-182, title IV, Sec. 414(a)(2), Dec. 8, 
1993, 107 Stat. 2147.)

                       References in Text

    Section 777(f) of the Tariff Act of 1930, referred to in text, is 
classified to section 1677f(f) of Title 19, Customs Duties.

                            Prior Provisions

    A prior section 1584, added Pub. L. 96-417, title II, Sec. 201, Oct. 
10, 1980, 94 Stat. 1729, provided that if a civil action within the 
exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of International Trade was commenced 
in a district court of the United States, the district court, in the 
interest of justice, was to transfer such civil action to the Court of 
International Trade, where such action would proceed as if it had been 
commenced in the Court of International Trade in the first instance, and 
that if a civil action within the exclusive jurisdiction of a district 
court, a court of appeals, or the Court of Customs and Patent Appeals 
was commenced in the Court of International Trade, the Court of 
International Trade, in the interest of justice, would transfer such 
civil action to the appropriate district court or court of appeals or to 
the Court of Customs and Patent Appeals where such action was to proceed 
as if it had been commenced in such court in the first instance, prior 
to repeal by Pub. L. 97-164, title I, Sec. 135, Apr. 2, 1982, 96 Stat. 
41, effective Oct. 1, 1982.


    1993--Pub. L. 103-182 amended section catchline generally, inserting 
``the North American Free Trade Agreement or'', and in text substituted 
``section 777(f)'' for ``section 777(d)''.

                    Effective Date of 1993 Amendment

    Amendment by Pub. L. 103-182 effective on the date the North 
American Free Trade Agreement enters into force with respect to the 
United States [Jan. 1, 1994], but not applicable to any final 
determination described in section 1516a(a)(1)(B) or (2)(B)(i), (ii), or 
(iii) of Title 19, Customs Duties, notice of which is published in the 
Federal Register before such date, or to a determination described in 
section 1516a(a)(2)(B)(vi) of Title 19, notice of which is received by 
the Government of Canada or Mexico before such date, or to any 
binational panel review under the United States-Canada Free-Trade 
Agreement, or to any extraordinary challenge arising out of any such 
review that was commenced before such date, see section 416 of Pub. L. 
103-182, set out as an Effective Date note under section 3431 of Title 

                     Effective and Termination Dates

    Section effective on date United States-Canada Free-Trade Agreement 
enters into force (Jan. 1, 1989), and to cease to have effect on date 
Agreement ceases to be in force, see section 501(a), (c) of Pub. L. 100-
449, set out in a note under section 2112 of Title 19, Customs Duties.

              Effect of Termination of NAFTA Country Status

    For provisions relating to effect of termination of NAFTA country 
status on sections 401 to 416 of Pub. L. 103-182, see section 3451 of 
Title 19, Customs Duties.

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