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§ 1267. —  Inspections and monitoring.

[Laws in effect as of January 24, 2002]
[Document not affected by Public Laws enacted between
  January 24, 2002 and December 19, 2002]
[CITE: 30USC1267]

                   TITLE 30--MINERAL LANDS AND MINING
Sec. 1267. Inspections and monitoring

(a) Inspections of surface coal mining and reclamation operations

    The Secretary shall cause to be made such inspections of any surface 
coal mining and reclamation operations as are necessary to evaluate the 
administration of approved State programs, or to develop or enforce any 
Federal program, and for such purposes authorized representatives of the 
Secretary shall have a right of entry to, upon, or through any surface 
coal mining and reclamation operations.

(b) Records and reports; monitoring systems; evaluation of results

    For the purpose of developing or assisting in the development, 
administration, and enforcement of any approved State or Federal program 
under this chapter or in the administration and enforcement of any 
permit under this chapter, or of determining whether any person is in 
violation of any requirement of any such State or Federal program or any 
other requirement of this chapter--
        (1) the regulatory authority shall require any permittee to (A) 
    establish and maintain appropriate records, (B) make monthly reports 
    to the regulatory authority, (C) install, use, and maintain any 
    necessary monitoring equipment or methods, (D) evaluate results in 
    accordance with such methods, at such locations, intervals, and in 
    such manner as a regulatory authority shall prescribe, and (E) 
    provide such other information relative to surface coal mining and 
    reclamation operations as the regulatory authority deems reasonable 
    and necessary;
        (2) for those surface coal mining and reclamation operations 
    which remove or disturb strata that serve as aquifers which 
    significantly insure the hydrologic balance of water use either on 
    or off the mining site, the regulatory authority shall specify 
            (A) monitoring sites to record the quantity and quality of 
        surface drainage above and below the minesite as well as in the 
        potential zone of influence;
            (B) monitoring sites to record level, amount, and samples of 
        ground water and aquifers potentially affected by the mining and 
        also directly below the lowermost (deepest) coal seam to be 
            (C) records of well logs and borehole data to be maintained; 
            (D) monitoring sites to record precipitation.

    The monitoring data collection and analysis required by this section 
    shall be conducted according to standards and procedures set forth 
    by the regulatory authority in order to assure their reliability and 
    validity; and
        (3) the authorized representatives of the regulatory authority, 
    without advance notice and upon presentation of appropriate 
    credentials (A) shall have the right of entry to, upon, or through 
    any surface coal mining and reclamation operations or any premises 
    in which any records required to be maintained under paragraph (1) 
    of this subsection are located; and (B) may at reasonable times, and 
    without delay, have access to and copy any records, inspect any 
    monitoring equipment or method of operation required under this 

(c) Inspection intervals

    The inspections by the regulatory authority shall (1) occur on an 
irregular basis averaging not less than one partial inspection per month 
and one complete inspection per calendar quarter for the surface coal 
mining and reclamation operation covered by each permit; (2) occur 
without prior notice to the permittee or his agents or employees except 
for necessary onsite meetings with the permittee; and (3) include the 
filing of inspection reports adequate to enforce the requirements of and 
to carry out the terms and purposes of this chapter.

(d) Maintenance of sign

    Each permittee shall conspicuously maintain at the entrances to the 
surface coal mining and reclamation operations a clearly visible sign 
which sets forth the name, business address, and phone number of the 
permittee and the permit number of the surface coal mining and 
reclamation operations.

(e) Violations

    Each inspector, upon detection of each violation of any requirement 
of any State or Federal program or of this chapter, shall forthwith 
inform the operator in writing, and shall report in writing any such 
violation to the regulatory authority.

(f) Availability of information to public

    Copies of any records, reports, inspection materials, or information 
obtained under this subchapter by the regulatory authority shall be made 
immediately available to the public at central and sufficient locations 
in the county, multicounty, and State area of mining so that they are 
conveniently available to residents in the areas of mining.

(g) Conflict of interest; penalty; publication of regulations; report to 

    No employee of the State regulatory authority performing any 
function or duty under this chapter shall have a direct or indirect 
financial interest in any underground or surface coal mining operation. 
Whoever knowingly violates the provisions of this subsection shall, upon 
conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $2,500, or by 
imprisonment of not more than one year, or by both. The Secretary shall 
(1) within sixty days after August 3, 1977, publish in the Federal 
Register, in accordance with section 553 of title 5, regulations to 
establish methods by which the provisions of this subsection will be 
monitored and enforced by the Secretary and such State regulatory 
authority, including appropriate provisions for the filing by such 
employees and the review of statements and supplements thereto 
concerning any financial interest which may be affected by this 
subsection, and (2) report to the Congress as part of the Annual Report 
(section 1296 of this title) on actions taken and not taken during the 
preceding year under this subsection.

(h) Review; procedures for inspections

    (1) Any person who is or may be adversely affected by a surface 
mining operation may notify the Secretary or any representative of the 
Secretary responsible for conducting the inspection, in writing, of any 
violation of this chapter which he has reason to believe exists at the 
surface mining site. The Secretary shall, by regulation, establish 
procedures for informal review of any refusal by a representative of the 
Secretary to issue a citation with respect to any such alleged 
violation. The Secretary shall furnish such persons requesting the 
review a written statement of the reasons for the Secretary's final 
disposition of the case.
    (2) The Secretary shall also, by regulation, establish procedures to 
insure that adequate and complete inspections are made. Any such person 
may notify the Secretary of any failure to make such inspections, after 
which the Secretary shall determine whether adequate and complete 
inspections have been made. The Secretary shall furnish such persons a 
written statement of the reasons for the Secretary's determination that 
adequate and complete inspections have or have not been conducted.

(Pub. L. 95-87, title V, Sec. 517, Aug. 3, 1977, 91 Stat. 498.)

                  Termination of Reporting Requirements

    For termination, effective May 15, 2000, of provisions in subsec. 
(g) of this section relating to requirement to report to Congress on 
actions taken and not taken under subsec. (g), see section 3003 of Pub. 
L. 104-66, as amended, set out as a note under section 1113 of Title 31, 
Money and Finance, and page 109 of House Document No. 103-7.

                  Section Referred to in Other Sections

    This section is referred to in section 1300 of this title.

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