US Supreme Court Decisions On-Line | US Laws

§ 1718. —  Inspections.

[Laws in effect as of January 24, 2002]
[Document not affected by Public Laws enacted between
  January 24, 2002 and December 19, 2002]
[CITE: 30USC1718]

                   TITLE 30--MINERAL LANDS AND MINING
Sec. 1718. Inspections

(a) Motor vehicles on lease sites; vehicles not on lease site

    (1) On any lease site on Federal or Indian lands, any authorized and 
properly identified representative of the Secretary may stop and inspect 
any motor vehicle that he has probable cause to believe is carrying oil 
from a lease site on Federal or Indian lands or allocated to such a 
lease site, for the purpose of determining whether the driver of such 
vehicle has documentation related to such oil as required by law.
    (2) Any authorized and properly identified representative of the 
Secretary, accompanied by any appropriate law enforcement officer, or an 
appropriate law enforcement officer alone, may stop and inspect any 
motor vehicle which is not on a lease site if he has probable cause to 
believe the vehicle is carrying oil from a lease site on Federal or 
Indian lands or allocated to such a lease site. Such inspection shall be 
for the purpose of determining whether the driver of such vehicle has 
the documentation required by law.

(b) Inspection of lease sites for compliance with mineral leasing laws 
        and this chapter

    Authorized and properly identified representatives of the Secretary 
may without advance notice, enter upon, travel across and inspect lease 
sites on Federal or Indian lands and may obtain from the operator 
immediate access to secured facilities on such lease sites, for the 
purpose of making any inspection or investigation for determining 
whether there is compliance with the requirements of the mineral leasing 
laws and this chapter. The Secretary shall develop guidelines setting 
forth the coverage and the frequency of such inspections.

(c) Right of Secretary to enter upon and travel across lease sites

    For the purpose of making any inspection or investigation under this 
chapter, the Secretary shall have the same right to enter upon or travel 
across any lease site as the lessee or operator has acquired by 
purchase, condemnation, or otherwise.

(Pub. L. 97-451, title I, Sec. 108, Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2453.)

                  Section Referred to in Other Sections

    This section is referred to in sections 1719, 1732 of this title.

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