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WHEREAS, a system of classification and compensation has been approved for the Office of the President;

WHEREAS, the administration of the system requires the allocation/reallocation of positions to the appropriate class and salary scale and the granting of additional forms of compensation if so warranted; and

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby promulgate the following rules and regulations:

Section 1. The System. — The System consists of the Position Classification Plan and the Compensation Plans for the Office of the President (Proper).  

Sec. 2. Coverage. — The system covers all regular positions in the Office of the President (Proper) consisting of the Executive Office and the President’s private and immediate offices, except positions with the rank of, or equivalent to, Cabinet Member and except as may be otherwise provided herein.

Sec. 3. The Position Classification Plan. — The Position Classification Plan shall consist of (a) positions in the Office divided into two major levels, namely: the Career Executive Service Level and the sub-Career Executive Service Level-which is sub-divided into occupational groups under which are position classes and (b) the rules and regulations for its implementation and administration.

Sec. 4. The Compensation Plan. — The salary scale of the Career Executive Service shall apply to CES level positions in the Office of the President (Proper): Provided, That such positions in the Office of the President (Proper) shall have a tro-grade advantage over comparable positions covered in the CES Compensation Plan.  

The salary schedule for the sub-Career Executive Service Level in the Office of the President (Proper) shall be as follows:

   Pay  1st 2nd   3rd   4th   5th
1 P5640  P6240 P6888 P7608  P8400
2   6240 6888 7608    8400 9288
3    6888 7608    8400 9288 10260
4    7608 8400  9288 10260 11328
5    8400 9288   10260 11328 12516
6    9288 10260 11328 12516 13824
7   10260 11328 12516 13824 15264
8 11328 12516 13824 15264 16860
9  12516 13824 16860 18636 20580
10 13824 15264 16860 18636 20580
11 15264 16860 18636 20580 22728
12 16860 18636 20580 22728 25116
13 18636 20580 22728 25116 27732
14 20580 22728 25116 27732 30624
15 22728 25116 27732 30624 33816
16 25116 27732 30624 33816 37344
17 27732 30624 33816 37344 41232
18 30624 33816 37344 41232 45540
19 33816 37344 41232 45540 50292
20 37344 41232 45540 50292 55536
21 41232 45540 50292 55536 61344
22 45540 50292 55536 61344 67764

Sec. 5. Position Classes and Pay Ranges. — The position classes and their corresponding ranks in the Career Executive Service Level are as follows:  

Career Executive Service Level Rank

Legal Adviser to the President I
Legislative Secretary    I
Assistant Secretary II
Presidential Staff Director II
Cabinet Secretary   II
Assistant Executive Secretary II
Appointment Secretary II
Presidential Protocol Officer    II
Private Secretary to the President  II
Presidential Staff Assistant III
Assistant Cabinet Secretary    III
Assistant Presidential Protocol Officer III
Physician to the President III

The position classes in the sub-Career Executive Services Group and the corresponding pay ranges are as follows:


Supervising Presidential Staff Officer 16
Senior Presidential Staff Officer    14
Presidential Staff Officer 12
Junior Presidential Staff Officer     9


Senior Staff Private Secretary 13
Staff Private Secretary 10


Palace Senior Medical Specialist 14
Palace Medical Specialist 13
Palace Senior Medical Officer     11
Palace Medical Officer    10
Palace Junior Medical Officer   8


Presidential Dental Chief    13
Assistant Presidential Dental Chief 11
Palace Supervising Dentist 10
Palace Senior Dentist 8
Palace Dentist 6


Palace Chief Nurse   9
Palace Supervising Nurse 7
Palace Senior Nurse   5
Palace Nurse 4


Palace Senior Dietitian   8
Palace Dietitian   6
Palace Senior Pharmacist 8
Palace Pharmacist 7
Palace Optometrist     6


Presidential Museum Curator 13
Palace Emblem Designer    6


Supervising Staff Assistant 8
Senior Staff Assistant 7
Staff Assistant   6


Senior Stenographer to the President 14
Stenographer to the President 12
Supervising Staff Stenographer 6
Senior Staff Stenographer    4
Staff Stenographer    3


Palace Senior Translator 5
Palace Translator 3


Palace Supervising Medical Technician 5
Palace Senior Medical Technician 4
Palace Medical Technical   3
Palace Dental Hygienist   3
Palace Midwife   3
Palace Clinic Aids    2


Presidential Special Service Officer   11
Palace Mechanical Repair Shop General Foreman 8
Palace Maintenance General Foreman   6
Palace Maintenance Foreman    4
Palace Senior Maintenance Technician     3
Palace Maintenance Technician     2
Palace Head Utility Aide     3
Palace Senior Utility Aide    2
Palace Utility Aide   1


Palace Communications Technician 5


Palace Motorpool Superintendent 10
Palace Assistant Motorpool Superintendent 8
Palace Motorpool Foreman   5
Presidential Chauffeur     4
Palace Driver   3


Palace Household Manager 9
Palace Supervisor Household Aide 5
Palace Senior Household Aide 4
Palace Valet 4
Palace Household Aide 2


Supervising Staff Aide 4
Senior Staff Aide   3
Staff Aide   2

Sec. 6. Classification Rules. — 

a. Positions shall first be classified by the Ministry of the Budget before inclusion in regular or special budgets.

b. Positions shall be classified on the basis of regular and permanent duties and responsibilities attached thereto and the qualification requirements therefor.

c. Proposals for the creation of new positions shall be submitted to the Minister of the Budget who shall take final action pursuant to P.D. No. 985 and P.D. No. 1177.

d. Reclassification of a position may be proposed whenever there are significant and permanent changes in the duties and responsibilities thereof. The proposal, supported by a duly accomplished position description form and such other papers as may be required, shall be incorporated in Budget Form 103 of the budget estimates of the Office and shall be submitted to, and processed by, the Office of Compensation and Position Classification of the Ministry of the Budget.  

e. The classification or reclassification of position to another class with the same salary range allocation or to a lower class shall take effect upon its approval. Reclassification action from one class to a higher class shall take effect not earlier than the beginning of the next calendar year.

f. The classification plan herein provided shall apply to all positions now existing or hereafter created in the Office of the President.

Sec. 7. Salary Rules. — 

a. The first step of the pay range shall be the hiring rate for new employees.

b. An employee may be allowed a salary rate higher than the minimum of the range allocation of the position in case he had previously received a higher salary in the government service; Provided, That such salary rate is within the range allocation of the position and; Provided, Further, That there is sufficient appropriation for that particular position.

c. An employee who is promoted to a position in a higher class and whose present salary is over the maximum rate of the range allocation of the position to which he is being promoted, may be allowed to continue to receive his present salary at the higher position.

d. Subject to certification by the Executive Office that the employee’s services are satisfactory, the salary may be increased to the second step of his pay range after one year at the first step, to the third step after one year at the second step, to the fourth step after two years at the third step, and to the fifth step after two years at the fourth step, provided there is sufficient appropriation in the particular position of the employee concerned.  

e. Employees whose actual salaries are between the steps of the pay ranges of the classes to which their positions have been allocated shall be adjusted to the next higher step if an appropriation has been provided therefor.

f. Voluntary demotions shall be made without loss of salary except where the current salary is higher than the maximum of the class to which demoted and provided that there is sufficient appropriation for the particular position.

g. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other rule, no officer or employee shall receive a salary higher than the salary of his immediate supervisor.

Sec. 8. Salary Increases for Employees Paid Out of Lump Sum Appropriations. — Employees whose salaries are paid out of lump sum appropriations may be granted salary increases upon recommendation of the Minister of the Budget and approval by the President. The funds for the purpose shall be charged against the respective lump sum appropriations.

Sec. 9. Salary Increases. — Whenever a national government salary increase is granted based on periodic salary surveys conducted by the Office of Compensation and Position Classification of the Ministry of the Budget, positions in the office may be granted across-the-board or in-step salary increases, upon recommendation of the Minister of the Budget and the approval of the President.

Sec. 10. Revision of the Plans. — If the results of the periodic nation-wide salary survey require the revision of the Classification and Compensation Plans to keep them up-to-date the same may be revised upon recommendation of the Minister of the Budget and the approval of the President.

Sec. 11. Additional Compensation. — The following policies shall be adopted in the granting of additional compensation:  

a. Transportation and Representation Allowances

Only officials and those of equivalent rank granted commutable transportation and representation allowances authorized under Sec. 20 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 1, the current Appropriations Act for CY 1979 shall be entitled to said allowances. The determination of equivalent ranks for the purpose shall be made by the Ministry of the Budget. Previous administrative authorizations not consistent with the rates specified in the current appropriations act shall no longer be valid and payment shall not be allowed.

b. Cost of Living Allowances

In the event that the President authorizes the grant of cost of living allowances for national government employees, employees of the office shall be entitled the same, subject to the availability of funds.

c. Clothing Allowances

Except as otherwise approved by the President, only female regular employees shall be granted uniform/clothing allowance of not more than P150 each per annum. Uniform/clothing allowance in kind shall be granted to drivers, garage personnel, waiters and personnel assigned to the security unit of the President. Funds for the purpose shall be charged against the appropriation for “other services” or equivalent savings.

d. Laundry Allowance

Laundry allowance shall be granted to drivers, garage personnel waiters and personnel assigned to the security unit for the President out of the appropriations for “other services” or from savings from the appropriations of the Office of the President.

e. Hazard Pay Benefits

Hazard pay shall be granted to X-Ray Technicians of the Malacañang Clinic who are exposed to radiation hazard, pursuant to Sec. 7 of Commonwealth Act No. 402. Hazard duty pay in strife-torn or embattled areas shall be authorized only when a state of emergency in the municipality/city where the government employee works, is declared as such by the Minister of National Defense.

f. Per Diems

Positions in the Office shall be entitled to per diem subject to the provisions of Sec. 79, P.D. No. 1177.  

g. Quarters, Subsistence and Laundry Allowances for Nurses

In lieu of quarters, Nurses shall be granted additional compensation in the form of subsistence and laundry allowance in accordance with Sec. 3 of Republic Act No. 649.

h. Ceilings

The maximum amount paid for each type of allowance shall be determined in accordance with the pertinent General or Special Provisions in the approved Personal Services Itemization.

Sec. 12. National Compensation and Position Classification Plan. — The compensation and position classification plans approved for the Office of the President are established within the context of P.D. No. 985 and shall not be changed without the approval of the President upon recommendation of the Minister of the Budget.

Sec. 13. Effectivity. — This Order shall take effect July 1, 1978.

Done in the City of Manila, this 13th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-nine.
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