BEAME V. FRIENDS OF THE EARTH, 434 U. S. 1310 (1977)

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U.S. Supreme Court

Beame v. Friends of the Earth, 434 U.S. 1310 (1977)

Beame v. Friends of the Earth

No. A-99 (76-1718)

Decided August 5, 1977

434 U.S. 1310


Application by New York City and city officials for stay, pending this Court's determination of their petition for certiorari, of enforcement of the Court of Appeals' judgment directing the District Court to take step to ensure that the Transportation Control Plan for the Metropolitan New York Area under the Clean Air Act "will be promptly implemented," is denied, where it does not appear either that there is a balance of irreparable harm in applicants' favor or that four Members of this Court will vote to grant certiorari.

See: 552 F.2d 25.

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