34 C.F.R. Subpart B—What Requirements Apply to Redesignation?

Title 34 - Education

Title 34: Education

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Subpart B—What Requirements Apply to Redesignation?

§ 370.10   When do the requirements for redesignation apply?

(a) The Governor may not redesignate the agency designated pursuant to section 112(c) of the Act and §370.2(b) without good cause and without complying with the requirements of §§370.10 through 370.17.

(b) For purposes of §§370.10 through 370.17, a “redesignation of” or “to redesignate” a designated agency means any change in or transfer of the designation of an agency previously designated by the Governor to conduct the State's CAP to a new or different agency, unit, or organization, including—

(1) A decision by a designated agency to cancel its existing contract with another entity with which it has previously contracted to carry out and operate all or part of its responsibilities under the CAP (including providing advisory, assistance, or advocacy services to eligible clients and client applicants); or

(2) A decision by a designated agency not to renew its existing contract with another entity with which it has previously contracted. Therefore, an agency that is carrying out a State's CAP under a contract with a designated agency is considered a designated agency for purposes of §§370.10 through 370.17.

(c) For purposes of paragraph (a) of this section, a designated agency that does not renew a contract for CAP services because it is following State procurement laws that require contracts to be awarded through a competitive bidding process is presumed to have good cause for not renewing an existing contract. However, this presumption may be rebutted.

(d) If State procurement laws require a designated agency to award a contract through a competitive bidding process, the designated agency must hold public hearings on the request for proposal before awarding the new contract.

(Authority: 29 U.S.C. 711(c) and 732(c)(1)(B))

§ 370.11   What requirements apply to a notice of proposed redesignation?

(a) Prior to any redesignation of the agency that conducts the CAP, the Governor shall give written notice of the proposed redesignation to the designated agency, the State Rehabilitation Advisory Council (SRAC), and the State Independent Living Council (SILC) and publish a public notice of the Governor's intention to redesignate. Both the notice to the designated agency, the SRAC, and the SILC and the public notice must include, at a minimum, the following:

(1) The Federal requirements for the CAP (section 112 of the Act).

(2) The goals and function of the CAP.

(3) The name of the current designated agency.

(4) A description of the current CAP and how it is administered.

(5) The reason or reasons for proposing the redesignation, including why the Governor believes good cause exists for the proposed redesignation.

(6) The effective date of the proposed redesignation.

(7) The name of the agency the Governor proposes to administer the CAP.

(8) A description of the system that the redesignated (i.e., new) agency would administer.

(b) The notice to the designated agency must—

(1) Be given at least 30 days in advance of the Governor's written decision to redesignate; and

(2) Advise the designated agency that it has at least 30 days from receipt of the notice of proposed redesignation to respond to the Governor and that the response must be in writing.

(c) The notice of proposed redesignation must be published in a place and manner that provides the SRAC, the SILC, individuals with disabilities or their representatives, and the public with at least 30 days to submit oral or written comments to the Governor.

(d) Following public notice, public hearings concerning the proposed redesignation must be conducted in an accessible format that provides individuals with disabilities or their representatives an opportunity for comment. The Governor shall maintain a written public record of these hearings.

(e) The Governor shall fully consider any public comments before issuing a written decision to redesignate.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1820–0520)

(Authority: 29 U.S.C. 711(c) and 732(c)(1)(B))

§ 370.12   How does a designated agency preserve its right to appeal a redesignation?

(a) To preserve its right to appeal a Governor's written decision to redesignate (see §370.13), a designated agency must respond in writing to the Governor within 30 days after it receives the Governor's notice of proposed redesignation.

(b) The designated agency shall send its response to the Governor by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, or other means that provides a record that the Governor received the designated agency's response.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1820–0520)

(Authority: 29 U.S.C. 711(c) and 732(c)(1)(B))

§ 370.13   What are the requirements for a decision to redesignate?

(a) If, after complying with the requirements of §370.11, the Governor decides to redesignate the designated agency, the Governor shall provide to the designated agency a written decision to redesignate that includes the rationale for the redesignation. The Governor shall send the written decision to redesignate to the designated agency by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, or other means that provides a record that the designated agency received the Governor's written decision to redesignate.

(b) If the designated agency submitted to the Governor a timely response to the Governor's notice of proposed redesignation, the Governor shall inform the designated agency that it has at least 15 days from receipt of the Governor's written decision to redesignate to file a formal written appeal with the Secretary.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1820–0520)

(Authority: 29 U.S.C. 711(c) and 732(c)(1)(A))

§ 370.14   How does a designated agency appeal a written decision to redesignate?

(a) A designated agency may appeal to the Secretary a Governor's written decision to redesignate only if the designated agency submitted to the Governor a timely written response to the Governor's notice of proposed redesignation in accordance with §370.12.

(b) To appeal to the Secretary a Governor's written decision to redesignate, a designated agency shall file a formal written appeal with the Secretary within 15 days after the designated agency's receipt of the Governor's written decision to redesignate. The date of filing of the designated agency's written appeal with the Secretary will be determined in a manner consistent with the requirements of 34 CFR 81.12.

(c) If the designated agency files a written appeal with the Secretary, the designated agency shall send a separate copy of this appeal to the Governor by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, or other means that provides a record that the Governor received a copy of the designated agency's appeal to the Secretary.

(d) The designated agency's written appeal to the Secretary must state why the Governor has not met the burden of showing that good cause for the redesignation exists or has not met the procedural requirements under §§370.11 and 370.13.

(e) The designated agency's written appeal must be accompanied by the designated agency's written response to the Governor's notice of proposed redesignation and may be accompanied by any other written submissions or documentation the designated agency wishes the Secretary to consider.

(f) As part of its submissions under this section, the designated agency may request an informal meeting with the Secretary at which representatives of both parties will have an opportunity to present their views on the issues raised in the appeal.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1820–0520)

(Authority: 29 U.S.C. 711(c) and 732(c)(1)(B))

§ 370.15   What must the Governor of a State do upon receipt of a copy of a designated agency's written appeal to the Secretary?

(a) If the designated agency files a formal written appeal in accordance with §370.14, the Governor shall, within 15 days of receipt of the designated agency's appeal, submit to the Secretary copies of the following:

(1) The written notice of proposed redesignation sent to the designated agency.

(2) The public notice of proposed redesignation.

(3) Transcripts of all public hearings held on the proposed redesignation.

(4) Written comments received by the Governor in response to the public notice of proposed redesignation.

(5) The Governor's written decision to redesignate, including the rationale for the decision.

(6) Any other written documentation or submissions the Governor wishes the Secretary to consider.

(7) Any other information requested by the Secretary.

(b) As part of the submissions under this section, the Governor may request an informal meeting with the Secretary at which representatives of both parties will have an opportunity to present their views on the issues raised in the appeal.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1820–0520)

(Authority: 29 U.S.C. 711(c) and 732(c)(1)(B))

§ 370.16   How does the Secretary review an appeal of a redesignation?

(a) If either party requests a meeting under §370.14(f) or §370.15(b), the meeting is to be held within 30 days of the submissions by the Governor under §370.15, unless both parties agree to waive this requirement. The Secretary promptly notifies the parties of the date and place of the meeting.

(b) Within 30 days of the informal meeting permitted under paragraph (a) of this section or, if neither party has requested an informal meeting, within 60 days of the submissions required from the Governor under §370.15, the Secretary issues to the parties a final written decision on whether the redesignation was for good cause.

(c) The Secretary reviews a Governor's decision based on the record submitted under §§370.14 and 370.15 and any other relevant submissions of other interested parties. The Secretary may affirm or, if the Secretary finds that the redesignation is not for good cause, remand for further findings or reverse a Governor's redesignation.

(d) The Secretary sends copies of the decision to the parties by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, or other means that provide a record of receipt by both parties.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1820–0520)

(Authority: 29 U.S.C. 711(c) and 732(c)(1)(B))

§ 370.17   When does a redesignation become effective?

A redesignation does not take effect for at least 15 days following the designated agency's receipt of the Governor's written decision to redesignate or, if the designated agency appeals, for at least 5 days after the Secretary has affirmed the Governor's written decision to redesignate.

(Authority: 29 U.S.C. 711(c) and 732(c)(1)(B))

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