34 C.F.R. Subpart B—The State Licensing Agency

Title 34 - Education

Title 34: Education

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Subpart B—The State Licensing Agency

§ 395.2   Application for designation as a State licensing agency; general.

(a) An application for designation as a State licensing agency may be submitted only by the State vocational rehabilitation agency providing vocational rehabilitation services to the blind under an approved State plan for vocational rehabilitation services under part 1361 of this chapter.

(b) Such application shall be:

(1) Submitted in writing to the Secretary;

(2) Approved by the chief executive of the State; and

(3) Transmitted over the signature of the administrator of the State agency making application.

§ 395.3   Application for designation as State licensing agency; content.

(a) An application for designation as a State licensing agency under §395.2 shall indicate:

(1) The State licensing agency's legal authority to administer the program, including its authority to promulgate rules and regulations to govern the program;

(2) The State licensing agency's organization for carrying out the program, including a description of the methods for coordinating the State's vending facility program and the State's vocational rehabilitation program, with special reference to the provision of such post-employment services necessary to assure that the maximum vocational potential of each blind vendor is achieved;

(3) The policies and standards to be employed in the selection of suitable locations for vending facilities;

(4) The methods to be used to ensure the continuing and active participation of the State Committee of Blind Vendors in matters affecting policy and program development and administration.

(5) The policies to be followed in making suitable vending facility equipment and adequate initial stock available to a vendor;

(6) The sources of funds for the administration of the program;

(7) The policies and standards governing the relationship of the State licensing agency to the vendors, including their selection, duties, supervision, transfer, promotion, financial participation, rights to a full evidentiary hearing concerning a State licensing agency action, and, where necessary, rights for the submittal of complaints to an arbitration panel;

(8) The methods to be followed in providing suitable training, including on-the-job training and, where appropriate, upward mobility training, to blind vendors;

(9) The arrangements made or contemplated, if any, for the utilization of the services of any nominee under §395.15; the agreements therefor and the services to be provided; the procedures for the supervision and control of the services provided by such nominee and the methods used in evaluating services received, the basis for remuneration, and the fiscal controls and accounting procedures;

(10) The arrangements made or contemplated, if any, for the vesting in accordance with the laws of the State, of the right, title to, and interest in vending facility equipment or stock (including vending machines), used in the program, in a nominee to hold such right, title to, and interest for program purposes; and

(11) The assurances of the State licensing agency that it will:

(i) Cooperate with the Secretary in applying the requirements of the Act in a uniform manner;

(ii) Take effective action, including the termination of licenses, to carry out full responsibility for the supervision and management of each vending facility in its program in accordance with its established rules and regulations, this part, and the terms and conditions governing the permit;

(iii) Submit promptly to the Secretary for approval a description of any changes in the legal authority of the State licensing agency, its rules and regulations, blind vendor agreements, schedules for the setting aside of funds, contractual arrangements for the furnishing of services by a nominee, arrangements for carrying general liability and product liability insurance, and any other matters which form a part of the application;

(iv) If it intends to set aside, or cause to be set aside, funds from the net proceeds of the operation of vending facilities, obtain a prior determination by the Secretary that the amount of such funds to be set aside is reasonable;

(v) Establish policies against discrimination of any blind vendor on the basis of sex, age, physical or mental impairment, creed, color, national origin, or political affiliation;

(vi) Furnish each vendor a copy of its rules and regulations and a description of the arrangements for providing services, and take adequate steps to assure that each vendor understands the provisions of the permit and any agreement under which he operates, as evidenced by his signed statements:

(vii) Submit to an arbitration panel those grievances of any vendor unresolved after a full evidentiary hearing;

(viii) Adopt accounting procedures and maintain financial records in a manner necessary to provide for each vending facility and for the State's vending facility program a classification of financial transactions in such detail as is sufficient to enable evaluation of performance; and

(ix) Maintain records and make reports in such form and containing such information as the Secretary may require, make such records available for audit purposes, and comply with such provisions as the Secretary may find necessary to assure the correctness and verification of such reports.

(b) An application submitted under §395.2 shall be accompanied by a copy of State rules and regulations affecting the administration and operation of the State's vending facility program.

§ 395.4   State rules and regulations.

(a) The State licensing agency shall promulgate rules and regulations which have been approved by the Secretary and which shall be adequate to assure the effective conduct of the State's vending facility program (including State licensing agency procedures covering the conduct of full evidentiary hearings) and the operation of each vending facility in accordance with this part and with the requirements and conditions of each department, agency, and instrumentality in control of the maintenance, operation, and protection of Federal property, including the conditions contained in permits, as well as in all applicable Federal and State laws, local ordinances and regulations.

(b) Such rules and regulations and amendments thereto shall be filed or published in accordance with State law.

(c) Such rules and regulations shall include provisions adequate to insure that the right, title to, and interest in each vending facility used in the program and the stock will be vested in accordance with the laws of the State in only the following:

(1) The State licensing agency; or

(2) Its nominee, subject to the conditions specified in §395.15(b); or

(3) The vendor, in accordance with State determination.

(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (c) of this section, any right, title to, or interest which existed on June 30, 1955, in stock may continue so long as:

(1) The interest is in the stock of a facility established under the program prior to July 1, 1955, and

(2) The vendor was licensed in the program (whether or not for the operation of the vending facility in question) prior to July 1, 1955.

§ 395.5   Approval of application for designation as State licensing agency.

When the Secretary determines that an application submitted by a State vocational rehabilitation agency under §395.2, and the accompanying rules and regulations indicate a plan of program operations which will stimulate and enlarge the economic opportunities for the blind, and which will meet all other requirements of this part, he shall approve the application and shall designate the applying State vocational rehabilitation agency as the State licensing agency.

§ 395.6   Vendor ownership of vending facilities.

(a) If a State licensing agency determines under §395.4(c) that the right, title to, and interest in a vending facility may be vested in the blind vendor, the State licensing agency shall enter into a written agreement with each vendor who is to have such ownership. Such agreement shall contain in full the terms and conditions governing such ownership in accordance with criteria in the State licensing agency's regulations, this part, and the terms and conditions of the permit. The criteria established to govern the determination that the title may be so vested shall contain reasonable provisions to enable a vendor to purchase vending facility equipment and to ensure that no individual will be denied the opportunity to become a vendor because of his inability to purchase the vending facility equipment or the initial stock;

(b) The State licensing agency shall establish in writing and maintain policies determining whether the vendor-owner or the State licensing agency shall be required to maintain the vending facility in good repair and in an attractive condition and replace worn-out or obsolete equipment; and if the former, such policies shall provide that upon such vendor-owner's failure to do so, the State licensing agency may make the necessary maintenance, replacement, or repairs and make equitable arrangements for reimbursement;

(c) Where the vendor owns such equipment and is required to maintain the vending facility in good repair and in an attractive condition and replace worn-out or obsolete equipment, or agrees to purchase additional new equipment, service charges for such purposes shall be equitably reduced and the method for determining such amount shall be established by the State licensing agency in writing;

(d) Where the vendor owns such equipment, the State licensing agency shall retain a first option to repurchase such equipment, and in the event the vendor-owner dies, or for any other reason ceases to be a licensee, or transfers to another vending facility, ownership of such equipment shall become vested in the State licensing agency for transfer to a successor licensee subject to an obligation on its part to pay to such vendor-owner or his estate, the fair value therein; and

(e) The vendor-owner, his personal representative or next of kin shall be entitled to an opportunity for a full evidentiary hearing with respect to the determination of the amount to be paid by the State licensing agency for a vendor's ownership in the equipment. When the vendor-owner is dissatisfied with any decision rendered as a result of such hearing, he may file a complaint with the Secretary under §395.13 to request the convening of an ad hoc arbitration panel.

§ 395.7   The issuance and conditions of licenses.

(a) The State licensing agency shall establish in writing and maintain objective criteria for licensing qualified applicants, including a provision for giving preference to blind persons who are in need of employment. Such criteria shall also include provisions to assure that licenses will be issued only to persons who are determined by the State licensing agency to be:

(1) Blind;

(2) Citizens of the United States; and

(3) Certified by the State vocational rehabilitation agency as qualified to operate a vending facility.

(b) The State licensing agency shall provide for the issuance of licenses for an indefinite period but subject to suspension or termination if, after affording the vendor an opportunity for a full evidentiary hearing, the State licensing agency finds that the vending facility is not being operated in accordance with its rules and regulations, the terms and conditions of the permit, and the terms and conditions of the agreement with the vendor.

(c) The State licensing agency shall further establish in writing and maintain policies which have been developed with the active participation of the State Committee of Blind Vendors and which govern the duties, supervision, transfer, promotion, and financial participation of the vendors. The State licensing agency shall also establish procedures to assure that such policies have been explained to each blind vendor.

§ 395.8   Distribution and use of income from vending machines on Federal property.

(a) Vending machine income from vending machines on Federal property which has been disbursed to the State licensing agency by a property managing department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States under §395.32 shall accrue to each blind vendor operating a vending facility on such Federal property in each State in an amount not to exceed the average net income of the total number of blind vendors within such State, as determined each fiscal year on the basis of each prior year's operation, except that vending machine income shall not accrue to any blind vendor in any amount exceeding the average net income of the total number of blind vendors in the United States. No blind vendor shall receive less vending machine income than he was receiving during the calendar year prior to January 1, 1974, as a direct result of any limitation imposed on such income under this paragraph. No limitation shall be imposed on income from vending machines, combined to create a vending facility, when such facility is maintained, serviced, or operated by a blind vendor. Vending machine income disbursed by a property managing department, agency or instrumentality of the United States to a State licensing agency in excess of the amounts eligible to accrue to blind vendors in accordance with this paragraph shall be retained by the appropriate State licensing agency.

(b) The State licensing agency shall disburse vending machine income to blind vendors within the State on at least a quarterly basis.

(c) Vending machine income which is retained under paragraph (a) of this section by a State licensing agency shall be used by such agency for the establishment and maintenance of retirement or pension plans, for health insurance contributions, and for the provision of paid sick leave and vacation time for blind vendors in such State, if it is so determined by a majority vote of blind vendors licensed by the State licensing agency, after such agency has provided to each such vendor information on all matters relevant to such purposes. Any vending machine income not necessary for such purposes shall be used by the State licensing agency for the maintenance and replacement of equipment, the purchase of new equipment, management services, and assuring a fair minimum return to vendors. Any assessment charged to blind vendors by a State licensing agency shall be reduced pro rata in an amount equal to the total of such remaining vending machine income.

§ 395.9   The setting aside of funds by the State licensing agency.

(a) The State licensing agency shall establish in writing the extent to which funds are to be set aside or caused to be set aside from the net proceeds of the operation of the vending facilities and, to the extent applicable, from vending machine income under §395.8(c) in an amount determined by the Secretary to be reasonable.

(b) Funds may be set aside under paragraph (a) of this section only for the purposes of:

(1) Maintenance and replacement of equipment;

(2) The purchase of new equipment;

(3) Management services;

(4) Assuring a fair minimum of return to vendors; or

(5) The establishment and maintenance of retirement or pension funds, health insurance contributions, and provision for paid sick leave and vacation time, if it is so determined by a majority vote of blind vendors licensed by the State licensing agency, after such agency provides to each such vendor information on all matters relevant to such proposed purposes.

(c) The State licensing agency shall further set out the method of determining the charge for each of the above purposes listed in paragraph (b) of this section, which will be determined with the active participation of the State Committee of Blind Vendors and which will be designed to prevent, so far as is practicable, a greater charge for any purpose than is reasonably required for that purpose. The State licensing agency shall maintain adequate records to support the reasonableness of the charges for each of the purposes listed in this section, including any reserves necessary to assure that such purposes can be achieved on a consistent basis.

§ 395.10   The maintenance and replacement of vending facility equipment.

The State licensing agency shall maintain (or cause to be maintained) all vending facility equipment in good repair and in an attractive condition and shall replace or cause to be replaced worn-out and obsolete equipment as required to ensure the continued successful operation of the facility.

§ 395.11   Training program for blind individuals.

The State licensing agency shall ensure that effective programs of vocational and other training services, including personal and vocational adjustment, books, tools, and other training materials, shall be provided to blind individuals as vocational rehabilitation services under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Pub. L. 93–112), as amended by the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1974 (Pub. L. 93–516). Such programs shall include on-the-job training in all aspects of vending facility operation for blind persons with the capacity to operate a vending facility, and upward mobility training (including further education and additional training or retraining for improved work opportunities) for all blind licensees. The State licensing agency shall further ensure that post-employment services shall be provided to blind vendors as vocational rehabilitation services as necessary to assure that the maximum vocational potential of such vendors is achieved and suitable employment is maintained within the State's vending facility program.

§ 395.12   Access to program and financial information.

Each blind vendor under this part shall be provided access to all financial data of the State licensing agency relevant to the operation of the State vending facility program, including quarterly and annual financial reports, provided that such disclosure does not violate applicable Federal or State laws pertaining to the disclosure of confidential information. Insofar as practicable, such data shall be made available in braille or recorded tape. At the request of a blind vendor State licensing agency staff shall arrange a convenient time to assist in the interpretation of such financial data.

§ 395.13   Evidentiary hearings and arbitration of vendor complaints.

(a) The State licensing agency shall specify in writing and maintain procedures whereby such agency affords an opportunity for a full evidentiary hearing to each blind vendor (which procedures shall also apply to cases under §395.6(e)) dissatisfied with any State licensing agency action arising from the operation or administration of the vending facility program. When such blind vendor is dissatisfied with any action taken or decision rendered as a result of such hearing, he may file a complaint with the Secretary. Such complaint shall be accompanied by all available supporting documents, including a statement of the decision which was rendered and the reasons in support thereof.

(b) The filing of a complaint under paragraph (a) of this section with either the State licensing agency or the Secretary shall indicate consent by the blind vendor for the release of such information as is necessary for the conduct of a full evidentiary hearing or the hearing of an ad hoc arbitration panel.

(c) Upon receipt of a complaint filed by a blind vendor which meets the requirements established by the Secretary, the Secretary shall convene an ad hoc arbitration panel which shall, in accordance with the provisions of 5 U.S.C. chapter 5, subchapter II, give notice, conduct a hearing, and render its decision which shall be final and binding on the parties except that such decision shall be subject to appeal and review as a final agency action for purposes of the provisions of 5 U.S.C. chapter 7.

(d) The arbitration panel convened by the Secretary to hear the grievances of blind vendors shall be composed of three members appointed as follows:

(1) One individual designated by the State licensing agency;

(2) One individual designated by the blind vendor; and

(3) One individual not employed by the State licensing agency or, where appropriate, its parent agency, who shall be jointly designated by the other members of the panel and who shall serve as chairman of the panel.

(e) If either the State licensing agency or the blind vendor fails to designate a member of an arbitration panel, the Secretary shall designate such member on behalf of such party.

(f) The decisions of an arbitration panel convened by the Secretary under this section shall be matters of public record and shall be published in the Federal Register.

(g) The Secretary shall pay all reasonable costs of arbitration under this section in accordance with a schedule of fees and expenses which shall be published in the Federal Register.

(h) The provisions of this section shall not require the participation of grantors of permits for the operation of vending facilities on property other than Federal property.

§ 395.14   The State Committee of Blind Vendors.

(a) The State licensing agency shall provide for the biennial election of a State Committee of Blind Vendors which, to the extent possible, shall be fully representative of all blind vendors in the State program on the basis of such factors as geography and vending facility type with a goal of providing for proportional representation of blind vendors on Federal property and blind vendors on other property. Participation by any blind vendor in any election shall not be conditioned upon the payment of dues or any other fees.

(b) The State Committee of Blind Vendors shall:

(1) Actively participate with the State licensing agency in major administrative decisions and policy and program development decisions affecting the overall administration of the State's vending facility program;

(2) Receive and transmit to the State licensing agency grievances at the request of blind vendors and serve as advocates for such vendors in connection with such grievances;

(3) Actively participate with the State licensing agency in the development and administration of a State system for the transfer and promotion of blind vendors;

(4) Actively participate with the State licensing agency in the development of training and retraining programs for blind vendors; and

(5) Sponsor, with the assistance of the State licensing agency, meetings and instructional conferences for blind vendors within the State.

§ 395.15   Use of nominee agreements.

(a) The State licensing agency may enter into an agreement whereby another agency or organization undertakes to furnish services to blind vendors. Such agreement shall be in writing and shall contain provisions which:

(1) Clearly insure the retention by the State licensing agency of full responsibility for the administration and operation of all phases of the program;

(2) Specify the type and extent of the services to be provided under such agreement;

(3) Provide that no set-aside charges will be collected from blind vendors except as specified in such agreement;

(4) Specify that no nominee will be allowed to exercise any function with respect to funds for the purchase of new equipment or for assuring a fair minimum of return to vendors, except to collect and hold solely for disposition in accordance with the order of the State licensing agency any charges authorized for those purposes by the licensing agency; and

(5) Specify that only the State licensing agency shall have control with respect to selection, placement, transfer, financial participation and termination of the vendors, and the preservation, utilization, and disposition of program assets.

(b) If the State licensing agency permits any agency or organization other than a vendor to hold any right, title to, or interest in vending facilities or stock, the arrangement shall be one permitted by State law and shall specify in writing that all such right, title to, or interest is held by such agency or organization as the nominee of the State licensing agency for program purposes and subject to the paramount right of the State licensing agency to direct and control the use, transfer, and disposition of such vending facilities or stock.

§ 395.16   Permit for the establishment of vending facilities.

Prior to the establishment of each vending facility, other than a cafeteria, the State licensing agency shall submit an application for a permit setting forth the location, the amount of space necessary for the operation of the vending facility; the type of facility and equipment, the number, location and type of vending machines and other terms and conditions desired to be included in the permit. Such application shall be submitted for the approval of the head of the Federal property managing department, agency, or instrumentality. When an application is not approved, the head of the Federal property managing department, agency, or instrumentality shall advise the State licensing agency in writing and shall indicate the reasons for the disapproval.

§ 395.17   Suspension of designation as State licensing agency.

(a) If the Secretary has reason to believe that, in the administration of the program, there is a failure on the part of any State licensing agency to comply substantially with the Act and this part, he shall so inform such agency in writing, setting forth, in detail, the areas in which there is such failure and giving it a reasonable opportunity to comply.

(b) If, after the lapse of a reasonable time, the Secretary is of the opinion that such failure to comply still continues and that the State licensing agency is not taking the necessary steps to comply, he shall offer to such agency, by reasonable notice in writing thereto and to the chief executive of the State, an opportunity for a hearing before the Secretary (or person designated by the Secretary) to determine whether there is a failure on the part of such agency to comply substantially with the provisions of the Act and of this part.

(c) If it is thereupon determined that there is a failure on the part of such agency to comply substantially with the Act and this part, appropriate written notice shall be given to such agency and to the chief executive of the State suspending such agency's designation as licensing agency effective 90 days from the date of such notice. A copy of such written notice shall be given to each department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States responsible for the maintenance, operation, and protection of Federal property on which vending machines subject to the requirements of §395.32 are located in the State. Upon the suspension of such designation, vending machine income from vending machines on Federal property due for accrual to the State licensing agency under §395.32 shall be retained in escrow by such department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States responsible for the maintenance, operation and protection of the Federal property on which such vending machines are located, pending redesignation of the State licensing agency or rescission of the suspension under paragraph (e) of this section.

(d) If, before the expiration of such 90 days, the Secretary (or person designated by him) determines that the State licensing agency is taking the necessary steps to comply, he may postpone the effective date of such suspension for such time as he deems necessary in the best interest of the program.

(e) If, prior to the effective date of such suspension, the Secretary (or person designated by him) finds that there is no longer a failure on the part of the State licensing agency to comply substantially with the provisions of the Act and this part, he shall so notify the agency, the chief executive of the State, and each Federal department, agency, or instrumentality required to place funds in escrow under paragraph (c) of this section, in which event the suspension of the designation shall not become effective and the requirement to place funds in escrow shall be terminated.

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