34 C.F.R. Subpart D—How Does the Secretary Select a Fellow?

Title 34 - Education

Title 34: Education

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Subpart D—How Does the Secretary Select a Fellow?

§ 356.30   What selection criteria are used for this program?

The Secretary evaluates an application for a Fellowship on the basis of—

(a) Quality and level of formal education, previous work experience, and recommendations of present or former supervisors or colleagues that include an indication of the applicant's ability to work creatively in scientific research; and

(b) The quality of a research proposal of no more than 12 pages containing the following information:

(1) The importance of the problem to be investigated to the purpose of the Act and the mission of the Institute.

(2) The research hypotheses or related objectives and the methodology and design to be followed.

(3) Assurance of the availability of any necessary data resources, equipment, or institutional support, including technical consultation and support where appropriate, required to carry out the proposed activity.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1800–0027)

(Authority: Sec. 202(d); 29 U.S.C. 761a(d))

[49 FR 24979, June 18, 1984, as amended at 52 FR 30065, Aug. 12, 1987]

§ 356.31   How does the Secretary evaluate an application under this part?

The Secretary awards the following points for each application based on how well the applicant addresses the two criteria in §356.30: Outstanding (5); Superior (4); Satisfactory (3); Marginal (2); Poor (1).

(Authority: Sec. 202(d); 29 U.S.C. 761a(d))

[49 FR 24979, June 18, 1984]

§ 356.32   What are the special considerations in selecting applications for funding under this part?

(a) The Secretary reserves funds to support some or all of the applications which have been awarded a rating of superior or better (4–5 points) under §356.31.

(b) In making a final selection of applicants to support under this program, the Secretary considers the extent to which applicants rated outstanding or superior present a unique opportunity to effect a major advance in knowledge, address critical problems in innovative ways, present proposals which are consistent with the Institute's Long-Range Plan, build research capacity within the field, or complement and significantly increases the potential value of already planned research and related activities.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1800–0027)

(Authority: Sec. 202(d); 29 U.S.C. 761a(d))

[49 FR 24979, June 18, 1984, as amended at 52 FR 30065, Aug. 12, 1987]

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