US Supreme Court Decisions On-Line | US Laws

§ 215a. —  Merger of national banks or State banks into national banks.

[Laws in effect as of January 24, 2002]
[Document not affected by Public Laws enacted between
  January 24, 2002 and December 19, 2002]
[CITE: 12USC215a]

                       TITLE 12--BANKS AND BANKING
                        CHAPTER 2--NATIONAL BANKS
Sec. 215a. Merger of national banks or State banks into national 

(a) Approval of Comptroller, board and shareholders; merger agreement; 
        notice; capital stock; liability of receiving association

    One or more national banking associations or one or more State 
banks, with the approval of the Comptroller, under an agreement not 
inconsistent with this subchapter, may merge into a national banking 
association located within the same State, under the charter of the 
receiving association. The merger agreement shall--
        (1) be agreed upon in writing by a majority of the board of 
    directors of each association or State bank participating in the 
    plan of merger;
        (2) be ratified and confirmed by the affirmative vote of the 
    shareholders of each such association or State bank owning at least 
    two-thirds of its capital stock outstanding, or by a greater 
    proportion of such capital stock in the case of a State bank if the 
    laws of the State where it is organized so require, at a meeting to 
    be held on the call of the directors, after publishing notice of the 
    time, place, and object of the meeting for four consecutive weeks in 
    a newspaper of general circulation published in the place where the 
    association or State bank is located, or, if there is no such 
    newspaper, then in the newspaper of general circulation published 
    nearest thereto, and after sending such notice to each shareholder 
    of record by certified or registered mail at least ten days prior to 
    the meeting, except to those shareholders who specifically waive 
    notice, but any additional notice shall be given to the shareholders 
    of such State bank which may be required by the laws of the State 
    where it is organized. Publication of notice may be waived, in cases 
    where the Comptroller determines that an emergency exists justifying 
    such waiver, by unanimous action of the shareholders of the 
    association or State banks;
        (3) specify the amount of the capital stock of the receiving 
    association, which shall not be less than that required under 
    existing law for the organization of a national bank in the place in 
    which it is located and which will be outstanding upon completion of 
    the merger, the amount of stock (if any) to be allocated, and cash 
    (if any) to be paid, to the shareholders of the association or State 
    bank being merged into the receiving association; and
        (4) provide that the receiving association shall be liable for 
    all liabilities of the association or State bank being merged into 
    the receiving association.

(b) Dissenting shareholders

    If a merger shall be voted for at the called meetings by the 
necessary majorities of the shareholders of each association or State 
bank participating in the plan of merger, and thereafter the merger 
shall be approved by the Comptroller, any shareholder of any association 
or State bank to be merged into the receiving association who has voted 
against such merger at the meeting of the association or bank of which 
he is a stockholder, or has given notice in writing at or prior to such 
meeting to the presiding officer that he dissents from the plan of 
merger, shall be entitled to receive the value of the share so held by 
him when such merger shall be approved by the Comptroller upon written 
request made to the receiving association at any time before thirty days 
after the date of consummation of the merger, accompanied by the 
surrender of his stock certificates.

(c) Valuation of shares

    The value of the shares of any dissenting shareholder shall be 
ascertained, as of the effective date of the merger, by an appraisal 
made by a committee of three persons, composed of (1) one selected by 
the vote of the holders of the majority of the stock, the owners of 
which are entitled to payment in cash; (2) one selected by the directors 
of the receiving association; and (3) one selected by the two so 
selected. The valuation agreed upon by any two of the three appraisers 
shall govern. If the value so fixed shall not be satisfactory to any 
dissenting shareholder who has requested payment, that shareholder may, 
within five days after being notified of the appraised value of his 
shares, appeal to the Comptroller, who shall cause a reappraisal to be 
made which shall be final and binding as to the value of the shares of 
the appellant.

(d) Application to shareholders of merging associations: appraisal by 
        Comptroller; expenses of receiving association; sale and resale 
        of shares; State appraisal and merger law

    If, within ninety days from the date of consummation of the merger, 
for any reason one or more of the appraisers is not selected as herein 
provided, or the appraisers fail to determine the value of such shares, 
the Comptroller shall upon written request of any interested party cause 
an appraisal to be made which shall be final and binding on all parties. 
The expenses of the Comptroller in making the reappraisal or the 
appraisal, as the case may be, shall be paid by the receiving 
association. The value of the shares ascertained shall be promptly paid 
to the dissenting shareholders by the receiving association. The shares 
of stock of the receiving association which would have been delivered to 
such dissenting shareholders had they not requested payment shall be 
sold by the receiving association at an advertised public auction, and 
the receiving association shall have the right to purchase any of such 
shares at such public auction, if it is the highest bidder therefor, for 
the purpose of reselling such shares within thirty days thereafter to 
such person or persons and at such price not less than par as its board 
of directors by resolution may determine. If the shares are sold at 
public auction at a price greater than the amount paid to the dissenting 
shareholders, the excess in such sale price shall be paid to such 
dissenting shareholders. The appraisal of such shares of stock in any 
State bank shall be determined in the manner prescribed by the law of 
the State in such cases, rather than as provided in this section, if 
such provision is made in the State law; and no such merger shall be in 
contravention of the law of the State under which such bank is 
incorporated. The provisions of this subsection shall apply only to 
shareholders of (and stock owned by them in) a bank or association being 
merged into the receiving association.

(e) Status of receiving association; property rights and interests 
        vested and held as fiduciary

    The corporate existence of each of the merging banks or banking 
associations participating in such merger shall be merged into and 
continued in the receiving association and such receiving association 
shall be deemed to be the same corporation as each bank or banking 
association participating in the merger. All rights, franchises, and 
interests of the individual merging banks or banking associations in and 
to every type of property (real, personal, and mixed) and choses in 
action shall be transferred to and vested in the receiving association 
by virtue of such merger without any deed or other transfer. The 
receiving association, upon the merger and without any order or other 
action on the part of any court or otherwise, shall hold and enjoy all 
rights of property, franchises, and interests, including appointments, 
designations, and nominations, and all other rights and interests as 
trustee, executor, administrator, registrar of stocks and bonds, 
guardian of estates, assignee, receiver and committee of estates of 
lunatics, and in every other fiduciary capacity, in the same manner and 
to the same extent as such rights, franchises, and interests were held 
or enjoyed by any one of the merging banks or banking associations at 
the time of the merger, subject to the conditions hereinafter provided.

(f) Removal as fiduciary; discrimination

    Where any merging bank or banking association, at the time of the 
merger, was acting under appointment of any court as trustee, executor, 
administrator, registrar of stocks and bonds, guardian of estates, 
assignee, receiver, or committee of estates of lunatics, or in any other 
fiduciary capacity, the receiving association shall be subject to 
removal by a court of competent jurisdiction in the same manner and to 
the same extent as was such merging bank or banking association prior to 
the merger. Nothing contained in this section shall be considered to 
impair in any manner the right of any court to remove the receiving 
association and to appoint in lieu thereof a substitute trustee, 
executor, or other fiduciary, except that such right shall not be 
exercised in such a manner as to discriminate against national banking 
associations, nor shall any receiving association be removed solely 
because of the fact that it is a national banking association.

(g) Issuance of stock by receiving association; preemptive rights

    Stock of the receiving association may be issued as provided by the 
terms of the merger agreement, free from any preemptive rights of the 
shareholders of the respective merging banks.

(Nov. 7, 1918, ch. 209, Sec. 3, formerly Sec. 2, as added Pub. L. 86-
230, Sec. 20, Sept. 8, 1959, 73 Stat. 463; renumbered Sec. 3, Pub. L. 
103-328, title I, Sec. 102(b)(4)(A), Sept. 29, 1994, 108 Stat. 2351.)


    Provisions similar to those comprising this section were contained 
in section 4 of act Nov. 7, 1918, ch. 209, as added July 14, 1952, ch. 
722, Sec. 1, 66 Stat. 599 (formerly classified to section 34b of this 
title), prior to the complete amendment and renumbering of act Nov. 7, 
1918, by Pub. L. 86-230.

                  Section Referred to in Other Sections

    This section is referred to in section 215a-2 of this title.

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