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§ 4707. —  Assistance provided by Fund.

[Laws in effect as of January 24, 2002]
[Document not affected by Public Laws enacted between
  January 24, 2002 and December 19, 2002]
[CITE: 12USC4707]

                       TITLE 12--BANKS AND BANKING
Sec. 4707. Assistance provided by Fund

(a) Forms of assistance

                           (1) In general

        The Fund may provide--
            (A) financial assistance through equity investments, 
        deposits, credit union shares, loans, and grants; and
            (B) technical assistance--
                (i) directly;
                (ii) through grants; or
                (iii) by contracting with organizations that possess 
            expertise in community development finance, without regard 
            to whether the organizations receive or are eligible to 
            receive assistance under this subchapter.

                       (2) Equity investments

        (A) Limitation on equity investments

            The Fund shall not own more than 50 percent of the equity of 
        a community development financial institution and may not 
        control the operations of such institution. The Fund may hold 
        only transferable, nonvoting equity investments in the 
        institution. Such equity investments may provide for 
        convertibility to voting stock upon transfer by the Fund.

        (B) Fund deemed not to control

            Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Fund shall 
        not be deemed to control a community development financial 
        institution by reason of any assistance provided under this 
        subchapter for the purpose of any other applicable law to the 
        extent that the Fund complies with subparagraph (A). Nothing in 
        this subparagraph shall affect the application of any Federal 
        tax law.

                            (3) Deposits

        Deposits made pursuant to this section in an insured community 
    development financial institution shall not be subject to any 
    requirement for collateral or security.

                   (4) Limitations on obligations

        Direct loan obligations may be incurred by the Fund only to the 
    extent that appropriations of budget authority to cover their cost, 
    as defined in section 661a(5) of title 2, are made in advance.

(b) Uses of financial assistance

                           (1) In general

        Financial assistance made available under this subchapter may be 
    used by assisted community development financial institutions to 
    serve investment areas or targeted populations by developing or 
            (A) commercial facilities that promote revitalization, 
        community stability, or job creation or retention;
            (B) businesses that--
                (i) provide jobs for low-income people or are owned by 
            low-income people; or
                (ii) enhance the availability of products and services 
            to low-income people;

            (C) community facilities;
            (D) the provision of basic financial services;
            (E) housing that is principally affordable to low-income 
        people, except that assistance used to facilitate homeownership 
        shall only be used for services and lending products--
                (i) that serve low-income people; and
                (ii) that--
                    (I) are not provided by other lenders in the area; 
                    (II) complement the services and lending products 
                provided by other lenders that serve the investment area 
                or targeted population; and

            (F) other businesses and activities deemed appropriate by 
        the Fund.

                           (2) Limitations

        No assistance made available under this subchapter may be 
    expended by a community development financial institution (or an 
    organization receiving assistance under section 4712 of this title) 
    to pay any person to influence or attempt to influence any agency, 
    elected official, officer, or employee of a State or local 
    government in connection with the making, award, extension, 
    continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any State or 
    local government contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement (as 
    such terms are defined in section 1352 of title 31).

(c) Uses of technical assistance

                       (1) Types of activities

        Technical assistance may be used for activities that enhance the 
    capacity of a community development financial institution, such as 
    training of management and other personnel and development of 
    programs and investment or loan products.

              (2) Availability of technical assistance

        The Fund may provide technical assistance, regardless of whether 
    or not the recipient also receives financial assistance under this 

(d) Amount of assistance

                           (1) In general

        Except as provided in paragraph (2), the Fund may provide not 
    more than $5,000,000 of assistance, in the aggregate, during any 3-
    year period to any 1 community development financial institution and 
    its subsidiaries and affiliates.

                            (2) Exception

        The Fund may provide not more than $3,750,000 of assistance in 
    addition to the amount specified in paragraph (1) during the same 3-
    year period to an existing community development financial 
    institution that proposes to establish a subsidiary or affiliate for 
    the purpose of serving an investment area or targeted population 
    outside of any State and outside of any metropolitan area presently 
    served by the institution, if--
            (A) the subsidiary or affiliate--
                (i) would be a community development financial 
            institution; and
                (ii) independently--
                    (I) meets the selection criteria described in 
                section 4704 of this title; and
                    (II) satisfies the selection criteria of section 
                4706 of this title; and

            (B) no other application for assistance to serve the 
        investment area or targeted population has been submitted to the 
        Administrator within a reasonable period of time preceding the 
        date of receipt of the application at issue.

                      (3) Timing of assistance

        Assistance may be provided as described in paragraphs (1) and 
    (2) in a lump sum or over a period of time, as determined by the 

(e) Matching requirements

                           (1) In general

        Assistance other than technical assistance shall be matched with 
    funds from sources other than the Federal Government on the basis of 
    not less than one dollar for each dollar provided by the Fund. Such 
    matching funds shall be at least comparable in form and value to 
    assistance provided by the Fund. The Fund shall provide no 
    assistance (other than technical assistance) until a community 
    development financial institution has secured firm commitments for 
    the matching funds required.

                            (2) Exception

        In the case of an applicant with severe constraints on available 
    sources of matching funds, the Fund may permit an applicant to 
    comply with the matching requirements of paragraph (1) by--
            (A) reducing such matching requirement by 50 percent; or
            (B) permitting an applicant to provide matching funds in a 
        form to be determined at the discretion of the Fund, if such 
                (i) has total assets of less than $100,000;
                (ii) serves nonmetropolitan or rural areas; and
                (iii) is not requesting more than $25,000 in assistance.

                           (3) Limitation

        Not more than 25 percent of the total funds disbursed in any 
    fiscal year by the Fund may be matched as authorized under paragraph 

          (4) Construction of ``Federal Government funds''

        For purposes of this subsection, notwithstanding section 
    105(a)(9) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 [42 
    U.S.C. 5305(a)(9)], funds provided pursuant to such Act shall be 
    considered to be Federal Government funds.

(f) Terms and conditions

              (1) Soundness of unregulated institutions

        The Fund shall--
            (A) ensure, to the maximum extent practicable, that each 
        community development financial institution (other than an 
        insured community development financial institution or 
        depository institution holding company) assisted under this 
        subchapter is financially and managerially sound and maintains 
        appropriate internal controls;
            (B) require such institution to submit, not less than once 
        during each 18-month period, a statement of financial condition 
        audited by an independent certified public accountant as part of 
        the report required by section 4714(e)(1) of this title; and
            (C) require that all assistance granted under this section 
        is used by the community development financial institution or 
        community development partnership in a manner consistent with 
        the purposes of this subchapter.

                      (2) Assistance agreement

        (A) In general

            Before providing any assistance under this subchapter, the 
        Fund and each community development financial institution to be 
        assisted shall enter into an agreement that requires the 
        institution to comply with performance goals and abide by other 
        terms and conditions pertinent to assistance received under this 

        (B) Performance goals

            Performance goals shall be negotiated between the Fund and 
        each community development financial institution receiving 
        assistance based upon the strategic plan submitted pursuant to 
        section 4704(b)(2) of this title. Such goals may be modified 
        with the consent of the parties, or as provided in subparagraph 
        (C). Performance goals for insured community development 
        financial institutions shall be determined in consultation with 
        the appropriate Federal banking agency.

        (C) Sanctions

            The agreement shall provide that, in the event of fraud, 
        mismanagement, noncompliance with this subchapter, or 
        noncompliance with the terms of the agreement, the Fund, in its 
        discretion, may--
                (i) require changes to the performance goals imposed 
            pursuant to subparagraph (B);
                (ii) require changes to the strategic plan submitted 
            pursuant to section 4704(b)(2) of this title;
                (iii) revoke approval of the application;
                (iv) reduce or terminate assistance;
                (v) require repayment of assistance;
                (vi) bar an applicant from reapplying for assistance 
            from the Fund; and
                (vii) take such other actions as the Fund deems 

        (D) Consultation with tribal governments

            In reviewing the performance of any assisted community 
        development financial institution, the investment area of which 
        includes an Indian reservation, or the targeted population of 
        which includes an Indian tribe, the Fund shall consult with, and 
        seek input from, any appropriate tribal government.

(g) Authority to sell equity investments and loans

    The Fund may, at any time, sell its equity investments and loans, 
but the Fund shall retain the power to enforce limitations on assistance 
entered into in accordance with the requirements of this subchapter 
until the performance goals related to the investment or loan have been 

(h) No authority to limit supervision and regulation

    Nothing in this subchapter shall affect any authority of the 
appropriate Federal banking agency to supervise and regulate any 
institution or company.

(Pub. L. 103-325, title I, Sec. 108, Sept. 23, 1994, 108 Stat. 2172.)

                       References in Text

    Federal tax law, referred to in subsec. (a)(2)(B), is classified 
generally to Title 26, Internal Revenue Code.
    The Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, referred to in 
subsec. (e)(4), is Pub. L. 93-383, Aug. 22, 1974, 88 Stat. 633, as 
amended. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short 
Title note set out under section 5301 of Title 42, The Public Health and 
Welfare, and Tables.

                  Section Referred to in Other Sections

    This section is referred to in sections 1834a, 4703, 4711, 4715, 
4718 of this title.

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