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§ 505. —  Civil money penalty.

[Laws in effect as of January 24, 2002]
[Document not affected by Public Laws enacted between
  January 24, 2002 and December 19, 2002]
[CITE: 12USC505]

                       TITLE 12--BANKS AND BANKING
                       SHAREHOLDERS, AND OFFICERS
Sec. 505. Civil money penalty

(1) First tier

    Any member bank which, and any institution-affiliated party (within 
the meaning of section 1813(u) of this title) with respect to such 
member bank who, violates any provision of this section, or any 
regulation issued pursuant thereto, shall forfeit and pay a civil 
penalty of not more than $5,000 for each day during which such violation 

(2) Second tier

    Notwithstanding paragraph (1), any member bank which, and any 
institution-affiliated party (within the meaning of section 1813(u) of 
this title) with respect to such member bank who--
        (A)(i) commits any violation described in paragraph (1);
        (ii) recklessly engages in an unsafe or unsound practice in 
    conducting the affairs of such member bank; or
        (iii) breaches any fiduciary duty;
        (B) which violation, practice, or breach--
            (i) is part of a pattern of misconduct;
            (ii) causes or is likely to cause more than a minimal loss 
        to such member bank; or
            (iii) results in pecuniary gain or other benefit to such 

shall forfeit and pay a civil penalty of not more than $25,000 for each 
day during which such violation, practice, or breach continues.

(3) Third tier

    Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2), any member bank which, and 
any institution-affiliated party (within the meaning of section 1813(u) 
of this title) with respect to such member bank who--
        (A) knowingly--
            (i) commits any violation described in paragraph (1);
            (ii) engages in any unsafe or unsound practice in conducting 
        the affairs of such member bank; or
            (iii) breaches any fiduciary duty; and

        (B) knowingly or recklessly causes a substantial loss to such 
    member bank or a substantial pecuniary gain or other benefit to such 
    party by reason of such violation, practice, or breach,

shall forfeit and pay a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed the 
applicable maximum amount determined under paragraph (4) for each day 
during which such violation, practice, or breach continues.

(4) Maximum amounts of penalties for any violation described in 
        paragraph (3)

    The maximum daily amount of any civil penalty which may be assessed 
pursuant to paragraph (3) for any violation, practice, or breach 
described in such paragraph is--
        (A) in the case of any person other than a member bank, an 
    amount not to exceed $1,000,000; and
        (B) in the case of a member bank, an amount not to exceed the 
    lesser of--
            (i) $1,000,000; or
            (ii) 1 percent of the total assets of such member bank.

(5) Assessment; etc.

    Any penalty imposed under paragraph (1), (2), or (3) may be assessed 
and collected by the Board in the manner provided in subparagraphs (E), 
(F), (G), and (I) of section 1818(i)(2) of this title for penalties 
imposed (under such section) and any such assessment shall be subject to 
the provisions of such section.

(6) Hearing

    The member bank or other person against whom any penalty is assessed 
under this section shall be afforded an agency hearing if such member 
bank or person submits a request for such hearing within 20 days after 
the issuance of the notice of assessment. Section 1818(h) of this title 
shall apply to any proceeding under this section.

(7) Disbursement

    All penalties collected under authority of this section shall be 
deposited into the Treasury.

(8) ``Violate'' defined

    For purposes of this section, the term ``violate'' includes any 
action (alone or with another or others) for or toward causing, bringing 
about, participating in, counseling, or aiding or abetting a violation.

(9) Regulations

    The Board shall prescribe regulations establishing such procedures 
as may be necessary to carry out this section.

(Dec. 23, 1913, ch. 6, Sec. 19(l), formerly Sec. 19(j), as added Pub. L. 
95-630, title I, Sec. 102, Nov. 10, 1978, 92 Stat. 3642; renumbered 
Sec. 19(l), Pub. L. 96-221, title I, Sec. 105(f), Mar. 31, 1980, 94 
Stat. 140; amended Pub. L. 97-320, title IV, Sec. 424(a), (d)(2), (e), 
Oct. 15, 1982, 96 Stat. 1522, 1523; Pub. L. 101-73, title IX, 
Sec. 907(h), Aug. 9, 1989, 103 Stat. 472.)

                       References in Text

    This section, referred to in pars. (1) and (8), means section 19 of 
act Dec. 23, 1913, as amended, which is classified to sections 142, 
371a, 371b, 371b-1, 374, 374a, 461, 463 to 466, 505, and 506 of this 


    1989--Pub. L. 101-73 amended section generally, revising and 
restating as pars. (1) to (9) provisions of former pars. (1) to (7) 
which related to civil penalty respecting depository, reserve, etc., 
requirements; amount; hearing; review; action by Attorney General; and 
    1982--Par. (1). Pub. L. 97-320, Sec. 424(a), (d)(2), inserted 
proviso giving Board discretionary authority to compromise, etc., any 
civil money penalty imposed under this section, and substituted ``may be 
assessed'' for ``shall be assessed''.
    Par. (4). Pub. L. 97-320, Sec. 424(e), substituted ``twenty days 
from the service'' for ``ten days from the date''.

                    Effective Date of 1989 Amendment

    Amendment by Pub. L. 101-73 applicable to conduct engaged in after 
Aug. 9, 1989, except that increased maximum penalties of $5,000 and 
$25,000 may apply to conduct engaged in before such date if such conduct 
is not already subject to a notice issued by the appropriate agency and 
occurred after completion of the last report of the examination of the 
institution by the appropriate agency occurring before Aug. 9, 1989, see 
section 907(l) of Pub. L. 101-73, set out as a note under section 93 of 
this title.

                             Effective Date

    Section effective with respect to violations occurring or continuing 
after Nov. 10, 1978, see section 109 of Pub. L. 95-630 set out as an 
Effective Date of 1978 Amendment note under section 93 of this title.

                  Section Referred to in Other Sections

    This section is referred to in section 1828 of this title.

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