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§ 85. —  Rate of interest on loans, discounts and purchases.

WAIS Document Retrieval

[Laws in effect as of January 24, 2002]
[Document not affected by Public Laws enacted between
  January 24, 2002 and December 19, 2002]
[CITE: 12USC85]

                       TITLE 12--BANKS AND BANKING
                        CHAPTER 2--NATIONAL BANKS
                             NATIONAL BANKS
Sec. 85. Rate of interest on loans, discounts and purchases

    Any association may take, receive, reserve, and charge on any loan 
or discount made, or upon any notes, bills of exchange, or other 
evidences of debt, interest at the rate allowed by the laws of the 
State, Territory, or District where the bank is located, or at a rate of 
1 per centum in excess of the discount rate on ninety-day commercial 
paper in effect at the Federal reserve bank in the Federal reserve 
district where the bank is located, whichever may be the greater, and no 
more, except that where by the laws of any State a different rate is 
limited for banks organized under State laws, the rate so limited shall 
be allowed for associations organized or existing in any such State 
under title 62 of the Revised Statutes. When no rate is fixed by the 
laws of the State, or Territory, or District, the bank may take, 
receive, reserve, or charge a rate not exceeding 7 per centum, or 1 per 
centum in excess of the discount rate on ninety day commercial paper in 
effect at the Federal reserve bank in the Federal reserve district where 
the bank is located, whichever may be the greater, and such interest may 
be taken in advance, reckoning the days for which the note, bill, or 
other evidence of debt has to run. The maximum amount of interest or 
discount to be charged at a branch of an association located outside of 
the States of the United States and the District of Columbia shall be at 
the rate allowed by the laws of the country, territory, dependency, 
province, dominion, insular possession, or other political subdivision 
where the branch is located. And the purchase, discount, or sale of a 
bona fide bill of exchange, payable at another place than the place of 
such purchase, discount, or sale, at not more than the current rate of 
exchange for sight drafts in addition to the interest, shall not be 
considered as taking or receiving a greater rate of interest.

(R.S. Sec. 5197; June 16, 1933, ch. 89, Sec. 25, 48 Stat. 191; Aug. 23, 
1935, ch. 614, title III, Sec. 314, 49 Stat. 711; Pub. L. 93-501, title 
II, Sec. 201, Oct. 29, 1974, 88 Stat. 1558; Pub. L. 96-104, title I, 
Sec. 101, Nov. 5, 1979, 93 Stat. 789; Pub. L. 96-161, title II, 
Sec. 201, Dec. 28, 1979, 93 Stat. 1235; Pub. L. 96-221, title V, 
Sec. 529, Mar. 31, 1980, 94 Stat. 168.)

                       References in Text

    Title 62 of the Revised Statutes, referred to in text, was in the 
original ``this Title'' meaning title LXII of the Revised Statutes, 
consisting of R.S. Secs. 5133 to 5244, which are classified to sections 
21, 22 to 24a, 25a, 26, 27, 29, 35 to 37, 39, 43, 52, 53, 55 to 57, 59 
to 62, 66, 71, 72 to 76, 81, 83 to 86, 90, 91, 93, 93a, 94, 141 to 144, 
161, 164, 181, 182, 192 to 194, 196, 215c, 481 to 485, 501, 541, 548, 
and 582 of this title. See, also, sections 8, 333, 334, 475, 656, 709, 
1004, and 1005 of Title 18, Crimes and Criminal Procedure. For complete 
classification of R.S. Secs. 5133 to 5244 to the Code, see Tables.


    R.S. Sec. 5197 derived from act June 3, 1864, ch. 106, Sec. 30, 13 
Stat. 108, which was the National Bank Act. See section 38 of this 
    Section 201 of Pub. L. 96-161, cited as a credit to this section, 
was repealed by section 529 of Pub. L. 96-221, effective at the close of 
Mar. 31, 1980. The amendment of this section by that repealed provision, 
described in the 1979 Amendments note below, shall continue in effect 
for limited purposes pursuant to section 529. See Savings Provisions 
note, describing the provisions of section 529 of Pub. L. 96-221, set 
out below.
    Section 101 of Pub. L. 96-104, cited as a credit to this section, 
was repealed by section 212 of Pub. L. 96-161, effective at the close of 
Dec. 27, 1979. The amendment of this section by that repealed provision, 
described in the 1979 Amendments note below, shall continue in effect 
for limited purposes pursuant to section 212 of Pub. L. 96-161. See 
Savings Provisions note, describing the provisions of section 212 of 
Pub. L. 96-161, set out below. The amendment by Pub. L. 96-104, 
Sec. 101, was duplicated with identical language in the amendment made 
by Pub. L. 96-161, Sec. 201. See 1979 Amendments note below.
    Section 201 of Pub. L. 93-501, cited as a credit to this section, 
was repealed by Pub. L. 96-104, Sec. 1, Nov. 5, 1979, 93 Stat. 789. The 
amendment of this section by that repealed provision, described in the 
1974 Amendment note set out under this section, was duplicated in 1979 
with identical language under section 101 of Pub. L. 96-104. See 1979 
Amendments note below.


    1980--Pub. L. 96-221 repealed Pub. L. 96-104 and title II of Pub. L. 
96-161, resulting in the striking out of ``or in the case of business or 
agricultural loans in the amount of $25,000 or more, at a rate of 5 per 
centum in excess of the discount rate on ninety-day commercial paper in 
effect at the Federal Reserve bank in the Federal Reserve district where 
the bank is located,'' before ``whichever may be the greater'' in two 
places. See Codification and 1979 Amendment notes under this section.
    1979--Pub. L. 96-161 inserted provisions relating to a 5 per centum 
interest rate on business or agricultural loans in the amount of $25,000 
or more that were identical to provisions inserted earlier by Pub. L. 
96-104. See Codification note above.
    Pub. L. 96-104 substituted ``or in the case of business or 
agricultural loans in the amount of $25,000 or more, at a rate of 5 per 
centum in excess of the discount rate on ninety-day commercial paper in 
effect at the Federal Reserve bank in the Federal Reserve district where 
the bank is located, whichever may be the greater'' for ``whichever may 
be the greater'' in two places. See Codification note above.
    1974--Pub. L. 93-501 substituted ``or in the case of business or 
agricultural loans in the amount of $25,000 or more, at a rate of 5 per 
centum in excess of the discount rate on ninety-day commercial paper in 
effect at the Federal Reserve bank in the Federal Reserve district where 
the bank is located, whichever may be the greater'' for ``whichever may 
be the greater'' in two places.
    1935--Act Aug. 23, 1935, inserted third sentence.
    1933--Act June 16, 1933, authorized interest at the alternative rate 
of 1 per centum in excess of the discount rate on ninety-day commercial 
paper in effect at the federal reserve bank in the Federal Reserve 
district where the bank is located if greater.

                    Effective Date of 1980 Amendment

    Section 529 of Pub. L. 96-221 provided that the amendment made by 
that section is effective at the close of Mar. 31, 1980.

                    Effective Date of 1979 Amendments

    Section 207 of Pub. L. 96-161, which provided that amendment by Pub. 
L. 96-161 was applicable to loans made in any State during the period 
beginning on Dec. 28, 1979, and ending on the earliest of (1) in the 
case of a State statute, July 1, 1980; (2) the date, after Dec. 28, 
1979, on which such State adopts a law stating in substance that such 
State does not want the amendment of this section made by Pub. L. 96-161 
to apply with respect to loans made in such State; or (3) the date on 
which such State certifies that the voters of such State, after Dec. 28, 
1979, have voted in favor of, or to retain, any law, provision of the 
constitution of such State, or amendment to the constitution of such 
State which prohibits the charging of interest at the rates provided in 
the amendment of this section by Pub. L. 96-161, was repealed by Pub. L. 
96-221, title V, Sec. 529, Mar. 31, 1980, 94 Stat. 168.
    Section 107 of Pub. L. 96-104, which provided that amendment by Pub. 
L. 96-104 was applicable to loans made by any State during the period 
beginning on Nov. 5, 1979, and ending on the earlier of July 1, 1981, or 
the date after Nov. 5, 1979, on which such State adopts a law stating in 
substance that such State does not want the amendment of this section to 
apply with respect to loans made in such State, or the date on which 
such State certifies that the voters of such State have voted in favor 
of, or to retain, any law, provision of the constitution of such State, 
or amendment of the constitution of such State, which prohibits the 
charging of interest at the rates provided in the amendment of this 
section, was repealed by Pub. L. 96-161, title II, Sec. 212, Dec. 28, 
1979, 93 Stat. 1239.

            Effective and Termination Dates of 1974 Amendment

    Section 206 of Pub. L. 93-501, which provided that amendment by Pub. 
L. 93-501 applicable to loans made in any state after Oct. 29, 1974, but 
prior to the earlier of July 1, 1977, or the date (after Oct. 29, 1974) 
of enactment by the state of a law prohibiting the charging of interest 
at the rates provided in the amendment of this section, was repealed by 
Pub. L. 96-104, Sec. 1, Nov. 5, 1979, 93 Stat. 789.

                           Savings Provisions

    Section 529 of Pub. L. 96-221 provided in part that, notwithstanding 
the repeal of Pub. L. 96-104 and title II of Pub. L. 96-161, the 
provisions added to this section by those repealed laws shall continue 
to apply to any loan made, any deposit made, or any obligation issued in 
any State during any period when those provisions were in effect in such 
    Section 212 of Pub. L. 96-161 provided in part that, notwithstanding 
the repeal, effective at the close of Dec. 27, 1979, of Pub. L. 96-104 
[which had enacted sections 86a, 371b-1, 1730e, and 1831a of this title, 
amended sections 85, 1425b, and 1828 of this title and section 687 of 
Title 15, Commerce and Trade, repealed sections 371b-1, 1730e, and 1831a 
of this title and notes set out under sections 371b-1 and 1831a of this 
title, and enacted provisions set out as notes under this section and 
sections 86a, 371b-1, and 1831a of this title], the amendment which had 
been made by title I of Pub. L. 96-104 and the provisions of that title 
would continue to apply to any loan made in any State on or after Nov. 
5, 1979, but prior to the repeal of Pub. L. 96-104, and that the 
amendments made by title II of Pub. L. 96-104 would continue to apply to 
any deposit made or obligation issued in any State on or after Nov. 5, 
1979, but prior to the repeal of Pub. L. 96-104.
    Section 1 of Pub. L. 96-104 provided in part that, notwithstanding 
the repeal of titles II and III of Pub. L. 93-501 [which had enacted 
sections 371b-1, 1730e, and 1831a of this title, amended sections 85, 
1425b, and 1828 of this title, and section 687 of Title 15, Commerce and 
Trade, and enacted provisions set out as notes under sections 371b-1 and 
1831a of this title], the amendments which had been made by title II of 
that Act and the provisions of such title would continue to apply to any 
loan made in any State during the period specified in section 206 of 
such Act [set out as a note under section 1831a of this title] and that 
the amendments which had been made by title III of such Act would 
continue to apply to any deposit made or obligation issued in any State 
during the period specified in section 304 of such Act [set out as a 
note under section 371b-1 of this title].

               Choice of Highest Applicable Interest Rate

    In any case in which one or more provisions of, or amendments made 
by, title V of Pub. L. 96-221 [enacting sections 86a, 1730g, 1735f-7a, 
1785(g), and 1831d of this title and section 687(i) of Title 15, 
Commerce and Trade, and enacting provisions set out as notes under 
sections 86a, 1730g, and 1735f-7 of this title], section 1735f-7 of