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§ 72a-1f. —  Designation by Senator who is Chairman or Vice Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Ethics of employee in office of that Senator to perform parttime service for Committee; amount reimbursable; procedure applicable.

[Laws in effect as of January 7, 2003]
[Document not affected by Public Laws enacted between
  January 7, 2003 and December 19, 2003]
[CITE: 2USC72a-1f]

                          TITLE 2--THE CONGRESS
Sec. 72a-1f. Designation by Senator who is Chairman or Vice 
        Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Ethics of employee in 
        office of that Senator to perform part-time service for 
        Committee; amount reimbursable; procedure applicable
    Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, a Senator who is the 
Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Ethics may 
designate one employee employed in his Senate office to perform part-
time service for such Committee, and such Committee shall reimburse such 
Senator for such employee's services for the Committee by transferring 
from the contingent fund of the Senate, upon vouchers approved by the 
Chairman of such Committee, to such Senator's Administrative, Clerical, 
and Legislative Assistance Allowance, with respect to each pay period of 
such employee, an amount which bears the same ratio to such employee's 
salary (but not more than one-half of such salary) for such period, as 
the portion of the time spent (or to be spent) by such employee in 
performing services for such Committee during such period bears to the 
total time for which such employee worked (or will work) during such 
period (as determined by the Chairman of such Committee) for such 
Committee and in such Senator's office. Any funds transferred under 
authority of the preceding sentence to a Senator's Administrative, 
Clerical, and Legislative Assistance \1\ shall be available for the same 
purposes and in like manner as funds therein which were not transferred 
thereto under such authority. For purposes of any law of the United 
States, a State, a territory, or a political subdivision thereof, an 
employee designated by a Senator pursuant to this section shall be 
considered to be an employee of such Senator's Senate office and not an 
employee of the Senate Select Committee on Ethics.
    \1\ So in original. Probably should be ``Assistance Allowance''.

(Pub. L. 98-367, title I, Sec. 10, July 17, 1984, 98 Stat. 476.)


    Section is from the Congressional Operations Appropriation Act, 
1985, which is title I of the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 

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