34 C.F.R. § 370.13   What are the requirements for a decision to redesignate?

Title 34 - Education

Title 34: Education
Subpart B—What Requirements Apply to Redesignation?

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§ 370.13   What are the requirements for a decision to redesignate?

(a) If, after complying with the requirements of §370.11, the Governor decides to redesignate the designated agency, the Governor shall provide to the designated agency a written decision to redesignate that includes the rationale for the redesignation. The Governor shall send the written decision to redesignate to the designated agency by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, or other means that provides a record that the designated agency received the Governor's written decision to redesignate.

(b) If the designated agency submitted to the Governor a timely response to the Governor's notice of proposed redesignation, the Governor shall inform the designated agency that it has at least 15 days from receipt of the Governor's written decision to redesignate to file a formal written appeal with the Secretary.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1820–0520)

(Authority: 29 U.S.C. 711(c) and 732(c)(1)(A))

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