TITLE 25--Indians






Purpose and scope.
Policy statement.


What is the purpose of this subpart?
What is the ''applicant pool''?
What is a ''signatory''?
What is a ''nonsignatory Tribe''?
Who is eligible to participate in Tribal self-governance?
How many additional Tribes/Consortia may participate in self-governance per year?
What criteria must a Tribe/Consortium satisfy to be eligible for admission to the ''applicant pool''?
What documents must a Tribe/Consortium submit to OSG to apply for admission to the applicant pool?
May a Consortium member Tribe withdraw from the Consortium and become a member of the applicant pool?
What is done during the ''planning phase''?
What is required in a planning report?
When does a Tribe/Consortium have a ''material audit exception''?
What are the consequences of having a material audit exception?
How is a Tribe/Consortium admitted to the applicant pool?
When does OSG accept applications to become a member of the applicant pool?
What are the deadlines for a Tribe/Consortium in the applicant pool to negotiate a compact and annual funding agreement (AFA)?
Under what circumstances will a Tribe/Consortium be removed from the applicant pool?
How does the Director select which Tribes in the applicant pool become self-governance Tribes?
What happens if an application is not complete?
What happens if a Tribe/Consortium is selected from the applicant pool but does not execute a compact and an AFA during the calendar year?
May a Tribe/Consortium be selected to negotiate an AFA under section 403(b)(2) without having or negotiating an AFA under section 403(b)(1)?
May a Tribe/Consortium be selected to negotiate an AFA under section 403(c) without negotiating an AFA under section 403(b)(1) and/or section 403(b)(2)?
What happens when a Tribe wishes to withdraw from a Consortium annual funding agreement?
What amount of funding is to be removed from the Consortium's AFA for the withdrawing Tribe?
What happens if there is a dispute between the Consortium and the withdrawing Tribe?
When a Tribe withdraws from a Consortium, is the Secretary required to award to the withdrawing Tribe a portion of funds associated with a construction project if the withdrawing Tribe so requests?


What is the purpose of this subpart?
What types of grants are available?
Will grants always be made available to meet the planning phase requirement as described in section 402(d) of the Act?
May a Tribe/Consortium use its own resources to meet its self-governance planning and negotiation expenses?
What happens if there are insufficient funds to meet the Tribal requests for planning/negotiation grants in any given year?
How many grants will the Department make each year and what funding will be available?
Which Tribes/Consortia may be selected to receive a negotiation grant?
What must a Tribe/Consortium do to receive a negotiation grant?
What must a Tribe do if it does not wish to receive a negotiation grant?
Who can apply for an advance planning grant?
What must a Tribe/Consortium seeking a planning grant submit in order to meet the planning phase requirements?
How will Tribes/Consortia know when and how to apply for planning grants?
What criteria will the Director use to award advance planning grants?
Can Tribes/Consortia that receive advance planning grants also apply for a negotiation grant?
How will a Tribe/Consortium know whether or not it has been selected to receive an advance planning grant?
Can a Tribe/Consortium appeal within DOI the Director's decision not to award a grant under this subpart?


What is the purpose of this subpart?
Are other funds available to self-governance Tribes/Consortia for planning and negotiating with non-BIA bureaus?
Who can apply to OSG for grants to plan and negotiate non-BIA programs?
Under what circumstances may planning and negotiation grants be awarded to Tribes/Consortia?
How does the Tribe/Consortium know when and how to apply to OSG for a planning and negotiation grant?
What kinds of activities do planning and negotiation grants support?
What must be included in the application?
How will the Director award planning and negotiation grants?
May non-BIA bureaus provide technical assistance to a Tribe/Consortium in drafting its planning grant application?
How can a Tribe/Consortium obtain comments or selection documents received or utilized after OSG has made a decision on a planning grant application?
What criteria will the Director use to rank the applications and how many maximum points can be awarded for each criterion?
Can an applicant appeal a decision not to award a grant?
Will OSG notify Tribes/Consortia and affected non-BIA bureaus of the results of the selection process?
Once a Tribe/Consortium has been awarded a grant, may the Tribe/Consortium obtain information from a non-BIA bureau?


What is the purpose of this subpart?
What is an annual funding agreement (AFA)?
What types of provisions must be included in a BIA AFA?
Can additional provisions be included in an AFA?
Does a Tribe/Consortium have the right to include provisions of Title I of Pub. L. 93-638 in an AFA?
Can a Tribe/Consortium negotiate an AFA with a term that exceeds one year?
What types of programs may be included in an AFA?
How does the AFA specify the services provided, functions performed, and responsibilities assumed by the Tribe/Consortium and those retained by the Secretary?
Do Tribes/Consortia need Secretarial approval to redesign BIA programs that the Tribe/Consortium administers under an AFA?
Can the terms and conditions in an AFA be amended during the year it is in effect?
What happens if an AFA expires before the effective date of the successor AFA?
What funds must be transferred to a Tribe/Consortium under an AFA?
What funds may not be included in an AFA?
May the Secretary place any requirements on programs and funds that are otherwise available to Tribes/Consortia or Indians for which appropriations are made to agencies other than DOI?
What are BIA residual funds?
How is BIA's residual determined?
May a Tribe/Consortium continue to negotiate an AFA pending an appeal of residual functions or amounts?
What is a Tribal share?
How does BIA determine a Tribe's/Consortium's share of funds to be included in an AFA?
Can a Tribe/Consortium negotiate a Tribal share for programs outside its region/agency?
May a Tribe/Consortium obtain discretionary or competitive funding that is distributed on a discretionary or competitive basis?
Are all funds identified as Tribal shares always paid to the Tribe/Consortium under an AFA?
How are savings that result from downsizing allocated?
Do Tribes/Consortia need Secretarial approval to reallocate funds between programs that the Tribe/Consortium administers under the AFA?
Can funding amounts negotiated in an AFA be adjusted during the year it is in effect?
What are self-governance base budgets?
Once a Tribe/Consortium establishes a base budget, are funding amounts renegotiated each year?
Must a Tribe/Consortium with a base budget or base budget-eligible program amounts negotiated before January 16, 2001 negotiate new Tribal shares and residual amounts?
How are self-governance base budgets established?
How are self-governance base budgets adjusted?


What is the purpose of this subpart?
What is an annual funding agreement for a non-BIA program?
What non-BIA programs are eligible for inclusion in an annual funding agreement?
Are there non-BIA programs for which the Secretary must negotiate for inclusion in an AFA subject to such terms as the parties may negotiate?
What programs are included under Section 403(b)(2) of the Act?
What programs are included under Section 403(c)?
What does ''special geographic, historical or cultural'' mean?
Under Section 403(b)(2), when must programs be awarded non-competitively?
Is there a contracting preference for programs of special geographic, historical, or cultural significance?
Are there any programs that may not be included in an AFA?
Does a Tribe/Consortium need to be identified in an authorizing statute in order for a program or element of a program to be included in a non-BIA AFA?
Will Tribes/Consortia participate in the Secretary's determination of what is to be included on the annual list of available programs?
How will the Secretary consult with Tribes/Consortia in developing the list of available programs?
What else is on the list in addition to eligible programs?
May a bureau negotiate with a Tribe/Consortium for programs not specifically included on the annual section 405(c) list?
How will a bureau negotiate an annual funding agreement for a program of special geographic, historical, or cultural significance to more than one Tribe?
When will this determination be made?
What funds are included in an AFA?
How are indirect cost rates determined?
Will the established indirect cost rates always apply to new AFAs?
How does the Secretary determine the amount of indirect contract support costs?
Is there a predetermined cap or limit on indirect cost rates or a fixed formula for calculating indirect cost rates?
Instead of the negotiated indirect cost rate, is it possible to establish a fixed amount or another negotiated rate for indirect costs where funds are limited?
May the bureaus negotiate terms to be included in an AFA for non-Indian programs?
Can a Tribe reallocate funds for a non-BIA non-Indian program?
Do Tribes/Consortia need Secretarial approval to reallocate funds between Title-I eligible programs that the Tribe/Consortium administers under a non-BIA AFA?
Can a Tribe/Consortium negotiate an AFA with a non-BIA bureau for which the performance period exceeds one year?
Can the terms and conditions in a non-BIA AFA be amended during the year it is in effect?
What happens if an AFA expires before the effective date of the successor AFA?


What is the purpose of this subpart?
What is a self-governance compact?
What is included in a self-governance compact?
Can a Tribe/Consortium negotiate other terms and conditions not contained in the model compact?
Can a Tribe/Consortium have an AFA without entering into a compact?
Are provisions in compacts negotiated before January 16, 2001, effective after implementation?
What are the phases of the negotiation process?
Who may initiate the information phase?
Is it mandatory to go through the information phase before initiating the negotiation phase?
How does a Tribe/Consortium initiate the information phase?
What is the letter of interest?
When should a Tribe/Consortium submit a letter of interest?
What steps does the bureau take after a letter of interest is submitted by a Tribe/Consortium?
How does a newly selected Tribe/Consortium initiate the negotiation phase?
How and when does the bureau respond to a request to negotiate?
What is the process for conducting the negotiation phase?
What issues must the bureau and the Tribe/Consortium address at negotiation meetings?
What happens when the AFA is signed?
When does the AFA become effective?
What happens if the Tribe/Consortium and bureau negotiators fail to reach an agreement?
What is a successor AFA?
How does the Tribe/Consortium initiate the negotiation of a successor AFA?
What is the process for negotiating a successor AFA?


What is the purpose of this subpart?
To whom does this subpart apply?
What services, contracts, or funds are protected under section 406(a)?
Who may raise the issue of limitation or reduction of services, contracts, or funding?
When must BIA raise the issue of limitation or reduction of services, contracts, or funding?
When must an affected Tribe/Consortium or Tribal organization raise the issue of a limitation or reduction of services, contracts, or funding for which it is eligible?
What must be included in a finding by BIA or in a claim by an affected Tribe/Consortium or Tribal organization regarding the issue of a limitation or reduction of services?
How will BIA resolve a claim?
How must a limitation or reduction in services, contracts, or funds be remedied?


When does a non-BIA bureau use a public consultation process related to the negotiation of an AFA?
Will the bureau contact the Tribe/Consortium before initiating public consultation process for a non-BIA AFA under negotiation?
What is the role of the Tribe/Consortium when a bureau initiates a public meeting?
What should the bureau do if it is invited to attend a meeting with respect to the Tribe's/Consortium's proposed AFA?
Will the bureau and the Tribe/Consortium share information concerning inquiries about the Tribes/Consortia and the AFA?


What regulations apply to self-governance Tribes?
Can the Secretary grant a waiver of regulations to a Tribe/Consortium?
How does a Tribe/Consortium obtain a waiver?
When can a Tribe/Consortium request a waiver of a regulation?
How can a Tribe/Consortium expedite the review of a regulation waiver request?
Are meetings or discussions mandatory?
On what basis may the Secretary deny a waiver request?
What happens if the Secretary denies the waiver request?
What are examples of waivers prohibited by law?
May a Tribe/Consortium propose a substitute for a regulation it wishes to be waived?
How is a waiver approval documented for the record?
How does a Tribe/Consortium request reconsideration of the Secretary's denial of a waiver?
When must DOI respond to a request for reconsideration?


What construction programs included in an AFA are subject to this subpart?
Does this subpart create an agency relationship?
What provisions relating to a construction program may be included in an AFA?
What special provisions must be included in an AFA that contains a construction program?
May the Secretary suspend construction activities under an AFA?
May a Tribe/Consortium continue work with construction funds remaining in an AFA at the end of the funding year?
Must an AFA that contains a construction project or activity incorporate provisions of Federal construction standards?
May the Secretary require design provisions and other terms and conditions for construction programs or activities included in an AFA under section 403(c) of the Act?
What is the Tribe's/Consortium's role in a construction program included in an AFA?
What is the Secretary's role in a construction program in an AFA?
How are property and funding returned if there is a reassumption for substantial failure to carry out an AFA?
What happens when a Tribe/Consortium is suspended for substantial failure to carry out the terms of an AFA without good cause and does not correct the failure during the suspension?
Do all provisions of other subparts apply to construction portions of AFAs?
When a Tribe withdraws from a Consortium, is the Secretary required to award to the withdrawing Tribe a portion of funds associated with a construction project if the withdrawing Tribe so requests?
May a Tribe/Consortium reallocate funds from a construction program to a non-construction program?
May a Tribe/Consortium reallocate funds among construction programs?
Must the Secretary retain project funds to ensure proper health and safety standards in construction projects?


What does this subpart cover?
What other statutes and regulations apply to FTCA coverage?
Do Tribes/Consortia need to be aware of areas which FTCA does not cover?
Is there a deadline for filing FTCA claims?
How long does the Federal government have to process a FTCA claim after the claim is received by the Federal agency, before a lawsuit may be filed?
Is it necessary for a self-governance AFA to include any clauses about FTCA coverage?
Does FTCA apply to a self-governance AFA if FTCA is not referenced in the AFA?
To what extent shall the Tribe/Consortium cooperate with the Federal government in connection with tort claims arising out of the Tribe's/Consortium's performance?
Does this coverage extend to subcontractors of self-governance AFAs?
Is FTCA the exclusive remedy for a tort claim, including a claim concerning personal injury or death, resulting from the performance of a self-governance AFA?
What employees are covered by FTCA for medical-related claims?
Does FTCA cover employees of the Tribe/Consortium who are paid by the Tribe/Consortium from funds other than those provided through the self-governance AFA?
May persons who are not Indians or Alaska Natives assert claims under FTCA?
If the Tribe/Consortium or Tribe's/Consortium's employee receives a summons and/or a complaint alleging a tort covered by FTCA, what should the Tribe/Consortium do?


What is the purpose of this subpart?
When may the Secretary reassume a Federal program operated by a Tribe/Consortium under an AFA?
''What is imminent jeopardy'' to a trust asset?
What is imminent jeopardy to natural resources?
What is imminent jeopardy to public health and safety?
In an imminent jeopardy situation, what must the Secretary do?
Must the Secretary always reassume a program, upon a finding of imminent jeopardy?
What happens if the Secretary's designated representative determines that the Tribe/Consortium cannot mitigate the conditions within 60 days?
What will the notice of reassumption include?
How much time will a Tribe/Consortium have to respond to a notice of imminent jeopardy?
What information must the Tribe's/Consortium's response contain?
How will the Secretary reply to the Tribe's/Consortium's response?
What happens if the Secretary accepts the Tribe's/Consortium's proposed measures?
What happens if the Secretary does not accept the Tribe's/Consortium's proposed measures?
What must a Tribe/Consortium do when a program is reassumed?
When must the Tribe/Consortium return funds to the Department?
May the Tribe/Consortium be reimbursed for actual and reasonable ''wind up costs'' incurred after the effective date of retrocession?
Is a Tribe's/Consortium's general right to negotiate an AFA adversely affected by a reassumption action?
When will the Secretary return management of a reassumed program?


What is the purpose of this subpart?
Is a decision by a Tribe/Consortium not to include a program in a successor agreement considered a retrocession?
Who may retrocede a program in an AFA?
How does a Tribe/Consortium retrocede a program?
When will the retrocession become effective?
How will retrocession affect the Tribe's/Consortium's existing and future AFAs?
Does the Tribe/Consortium have to return funds used in the operation of a retroceded program?
Does the Tribe/Consortium have to return property used in the operation of a retroceded program?
What happens to a Tribe's/Consortium's mature contract status if it has retroceded a program that is also available for self-determination contracting?
How does retrocession affect a bureau's operation of the retroceded program?


What is the purpose of this subpart?
Does the Tribal Self-Governance Act of 1994 alter the trust responsibility of the United States to Indian Tribes and individuals under self-governance?
What are ''trust resources'' for the purposes of the trust evaluation process?
What are ''trust functions'' for the purposes of the trust evaluation process?
What is a trust evaluation?
How are trust evaluations conducted?
May the trust evaluation process be used for additional reviews?
May the parties negotiate standards of review for purposes of the trust evaluation?
Can an initial review of the status of the trust asset be conducted?
What are the responsibilities of the Secretary's designated representative(s) after the annual trust evaluation?
Is the trust evaluation standard or process different when the trust asset is held in trust for an individual Indian or Indian allottee?
Will the annual review include a review of the Secretary's residual trust functions?
What are the consequences of a finding of imminent jeopardy in the annual trust evaluation?
What if the trust evaluation reveals problems that do not rise to the level of imminent jeopardy?
Who is responsible for corrective action?
What are the requirements of the review team report?
Can the Department conduct more than one trust evaluation per Tribe per year?
Will the Department evaluate a Tribe's/Consortium's performance of non-trust related programs?

Subpart P--REPORTS

What is the purpose of this subpart?
How is information about self-governance developed and reported?
What may the Tribe's/Consortium's annual report on self-governance address?


How can a Tribe/Consortium hire a Federal employee to help implement an AFA?
Can a Tribe/Consortium employee be detailed to a Federal service position?
How does the Freedom of Information Act apply?
How does the Privacy Act apply?
What audit requirements must a self-governance Tribe/Consortium follow?
Do OMB circulars and revisions apply to self-governance funding agreements?
Does a Tribe/Consortium have additional ongoing requirements to maintain minimum standards for Tribe/Consortium management systems?
Are there any restrictions on how AFA funds may be spent?
May a Tribe/Consortium invest funds received under a self-governance agreement?
How may interest or investment income that accrues on AFAs be used?
Can a Tribe/Consortium retain savings from programs?
Can a Tribe/Consortium carry over funds not spent during the term of the AFA?
After a non-BIA AFA has been executed and the funds transferred to a Tribe/Consortium, can a bureau request the return of funds?
How can a person or group appeal a decision or contest an action related to a program operated by a Tribe/Consortium under an AFA?
Must self-governance Tribes/Consortia comply with the Secretarial approval requirements of 25 U.S.C. 81; 82a; and 476 regarding professional and attorney contracts?
Are AFA funds non-Federal funds for the purpose of meeting matching requirements?
Does Indian preference apply to services, activities, programs, and functions performed under a self-governance AFA?
Do the wage and labor standards in the Davis-Bacon Act apply to Tribes and Tribal Consortia?
Can a Tribe/Consortium use Federal supply sources in the performance of an AFA?
Does the Prompt Payment Act (31 U.S.C. 3901) apply to a non-BIA, non-Indian program AFA?

Subpart R--APPEALS

What does ''Title-I eligible programs'' mean in this subpart?
What is the purpose of this subpart?
How must disputes be handled?
Are there any decisions that are not administratively appealable under this subpart?
Does a Tribe/Consortium have a right to an informal conference to resolve any disputes?
How does a Tribe/Consortium request an informal conference?
How is an informal conference held?
What happens after the informal conference?
How may a Tribe/Consortium appeal a decision made after the AFA or compact or amendment to an AFA or compact has been signed?
What statutes and regulations govern resolution of disputes concerning signed AFAs or compacts that are appealed to IBCA?
To whom are appeals directed regarding reassumption for imminent jeopardy?
Does the Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA) apply to appeals under this subpart?
To whom may a Tribe appeal a decision made before the AFA or an amendment to the AFA or compact is signed?
When and how must a Tribe/Consortium appeal an adverse pre-award decision?
When must the bureau head (or appropriate Assistant Secretary) issue a final decision in the pre-award appeal?
When and how will the Assistant Secretary respond to an appeal by a Tribe/Consortium?
How may a Tribe/Consortium seek reconsideration of the Secretary's decision involving a self-governance compact?
When will the Secretary respond to a request for reconsideration of a decision involving a self-governance compact?
May Tribes/Consortia appeal Department decisions to a Federal court?


What is an organizational conflict of interest?
What must a Tribe/Consortium do if an organizational conflict of interest arises under an AFA?
When must a Tribe/Consortium regulate its employees or subcontractors to avoid a personal conflict of interest?
What types of personal conflicts of interest involving tribal officers, employees or subcontractors would have to be regulated by a Tribe/Consortium?
What personal conflicts of interest must the standards of conduct regulate?
May a Tribe/Consortium negotiate AFA provisions on conflicts of interest to take the place of this subpart?
Appendix A to Part 1000--Model Compact of Self-Governance Between The Tribe and the Department of the Interior


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